Category Student News & Events

Feb. 27 – Black Mountain Expeditions Recruiting on Campus

Black Mountain Expeditions will be on campus recruiting for summer jobs on Wed., Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the Am-Wil Atrium. This is a Christian camp with opportunities for camp counselor positions as well as wilderness…

April 8 – Deadline for Blaine Grimes Scholarship Applications

Grants are available for up to $2,000 for summer internships and up to $1,500 for winter internships. Interested students who have identified an appropriate internship or similar experience are encouraged to apply. There will be two rounds of selections, November…

2019-2020 Housing Application Open!

The application for 2019-2020 housing is now available! The priority application deadline is March 20, 2019. Access and learn about our new housing application, roommate matching process and housing selection process by visiting  -Residential Life. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Residential Life.…

Diversity Credit Survey

Hello! Last semester we sent out a survey asking questions surrounding our current Diversity Requirement. We are continuing to work on this project surrounding the diversity credit and would love more student feedback. As it stands, the current Diversity Credit…

SENIORS! Come join your Senior Class Council!

Hey seniors! Senior Class Council will be tabling in the Ham-Wil Atrium on Feb. 28 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for our class gift! If you have already given your gift, come look for your name on a Bishop…

Sweatshirt Tabling for Seniors!

Hey, seniors! We will be handing out sweatshirts for those seniors who have paid their dues on Fri., Feb. 22 and Tues., Feb. 26. Pay your dues and get your sweatshirt! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Senior Class Council. Contact: Kienan O’Doherty…

March 1 – Women in Science Meeting!

There will be a WINS meeting this Fri., March 1 at noon in SCSC, Room 163. We will discuss leadership positions within the club and upcoming elections! Pizza is provided! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Women in Science. Contact: Sabrina Amato at

March 6 – Baran Fellowship Brown Bag Information Session

Have you heard about the Baran Fellowship but are not quite sure what it is? Yanira Rhymer-Stuart (2017) and Austin Moore (2018), Baran Fellows, will be presenting a Brown Bag Session on the The Baran Fellowship on March 6 from…

ATTENTION METHODIST STUDENTS: Scholarship Deadline March 1!

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education has several scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online at The United Methodist Education Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can apply online…