Category Student News & Events

March 25 – Student Symposium Application Deadline

Next Mon., March 25 is the deadline for applying to present a poster for the Student Symposium. The date for the Student Symposium is April 25, 2019. The Student Symposium showcases the research and creative work of Ohio Wesleyan students…

March 22 – WINS MEETING!

There is a Women in Science Meeting this Fri., March 22 in SCSC, Room 163 at 12:10 p.m.! We will be making slime with Dr. Hejmanowksi and watching a TED talk. We hope to see you there! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

March 26 – RSVP to attend the Interview Skills Workshop

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and Career Services are co-sponsoring this First Gen program, Interviewing for Success. Marcy Clouser’s, the Recruitment Marketing Specialist from Giant Eagle, will be hosting an Interview Skills Workshop on March 26 at 6 p.m.…

Take Our Diversity Credit Survey

Hello! Last semester we sent out a survey asking questions surrounding our current Diversity Requirement. We are continuing to work on this project surrounding the diversity credit and would love more student feedback. As it stands the current Diversity Credit…

Need a Paid, On-Campus Internship for Next School Year?

The Student Assistantship Program is now open for student applications for the 2019-2020 academic year! This program offers PAID on-campus positions during the academic year. The application can be found at  A list of the available positions can be found…

OWUSSA Denison Day T-Shirt Design Competition!

This year students have the opportunity to design the t-shirts for the OWU Men’s Lax vs. Denison game on Sun., April 27 at 2 p.m. at Selby Stadium. Please send your submissions to no later than Wed., March 27 by 5…

Check Today to Ensure You’re Ready to Register for Fall!

Fall 2019 registration is approaching! Check now to ensure you are clear of all holds and able to register. Rising seniors begin registering April 1. Check for holds on your student portal as soon as possible. Then if you have questions…

How to Identify Phishing Messages

Being part of an organization like a university, students are at risk of so-called “phishing messages.” What are they? How do you identify them? Phishing scams are fraudulent emails, phone calls or text messages that try to entice you to…

Nordson BUILDS Scholarship Program

Last year, Nordson Corporation awarded $500,000 in scholarships to students who expressed interest in a career in the manufacturing industry and/or corporate America. Nordson offers professional development for these scholars through a “Lunch and Learn” event, and many scholars are…

Logo Wanted for 2019 SNC!

The 2019 Sagan National Colloquium will feature alumni of OWU who have gone out in the world (or are just beginning to!) and worked to make a difference. They will share their stories and their passions! The title of the…