Category Student News & Events

Join SAGE!

The Sexuality and Gender Equality house is looking for a new member for the 2019-2020 year! We believe that everyone has different experiences based on the intersections of their identities of age, race, class, sexuality, gender, ability, religion, etc. We…

Trap Karaoke Thursday at HBC

Like to sing? Come show off your skills at HBC on April 4 starting at 7:00pm. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: House of Black Culture Contact: Genaye Ervin at

Registration Alert: Don’t Forget About UC 150!

A reminder that if you are looking for a .25 course to round out your Fall schedule, consider enrolling in UC 150, the Sagan National Colloquium. This course grants credit for attending SNC lectures, writing brief response papers and doing…

Help us Pick Leadership Topics for Next Year! WIN PRIZES!

We need your feedback on Leadership Development! Help us pick topics for workshops, presentations and other leadership development materials to be seen at events like the OWU Summit. All the topics have been categorized by their NACE Competency.* *NACE career…

Save the Date – Stress Free Day is April 25!

STRESS FREE DAY is almost here! The event you look forward to every year is getting closer. Mark your calendars now for Counseling Service’s STRESS FREE DAY on April 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Stop by the Ham-Wil Atrium…

What’s New at the Student Health Center? FREE STD Testing!

The OWU Student Health Center now offers FREE STD (Gonorrhea and Chlamydia) screening! STD screening is an important step to keeping yourself healthy. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can cause serious health problems if left untreated, but they can be treated and…

April 4 – Sophomore registration portal opens 7AM

The Sophomore registration portal opens at 7 a.m. on Thurs., April 4 and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Fri., April 5. Reminders: – Please be sure you have received authorization to register from your academic advisor. Students cannot register unless…

April 2 – Deadline to withdraw from full-semester courses

Dear Students: Tues., April 2 is the last day to withdraw from a full-semester course this term. Click the link below to initiate the process prior to the deadline: Remember, students are required to maintain at least 3.25 units…

Enter the Green Week Student Art Show!

All majors are encouraged to submit artwork! The theme for the art is “The art in the environment”. All forms of physical artwork are being accepted as long as they relate to the theme in some way. All submissions must…