Category Student News & Events

Want to Apply for the Transcript? Join Now!

The Transcript is looking for students for next semester! We are accepting editors, photographers and reporters. This is a great way to practice time management, writing, accuracy and learning a bit about different things happening on campus. If you have…

Graduates – Participate in Lavender Graduation!

Calling all LGBTQ+ graduating students! If you plan on graduating this coming May (or graduating early in December 2019), the Spectrum Resource Center and OMSA want to invite you to participate in Lavender Graduation! The event will be held from…

April 16 – Lunch & Learn with Cardinal Health

Alumni Daniel Bishop ’82 and Drew Pang ’15 will be returning to campus to host a lunch and learn for finance, accounting and economics and business students. They will be talking about working at Cardinal Health and the types of…

SENIORS! Register for the Networking Event at Brio!

Senior Networking Night is coming up with OWU Alumni & Friends in Central Ohio on Thursday, April 18, 6:00-8:00 PM. It will take place at Brio in Columbus, which is owned by OWU alumnus, Rick Doody ’80. Buses will depart…

Apply for the MFL student board!

Hello MFL major/minor! I, along with the rest of the MFL student board, would like to invite you to consider applying for the MFL student board for the 2019-2020 academic year. Serving as a member of the board is not…

Apply to Peace and Justice!

Are you are interested in social justice issues, activism, and communal living? If so, the House of Peace and Justice may be right for you! We have two spots for the 2019-2020 year and one spot for just the fall…

April 26 – Day on the JAY

Save the date for the 10th anniversary of Day on the JAY! On April 26 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., come celebrate the end of the semester and make some memories! There will be food provided by AVI and…

Please Return Borrowed Scissors

For the student who “borrowed” my scissors on Tuesday, please have the courtesy to return them to my office in Phillips Hall, Room 104. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Journalism and Communication. Contact: Paul Kostyu at

SENIORS! Register for the Networking Event at Brio!

Senior Networking Night is coming up with OWU Alumni & Friends in Central Ohio on Thursday, April 18, 6:00-8:00 PM. It will take place at Brio in Columbus, which is owned by OWU alumnus, Rick Doody ’80. Buses will depart…