Category Student News & Events

New SLU Proposal Application Now Open!

We’re excited to announce the SLU Proposal application is open! If you’re passionate about creating a mission-driven, close-knit living space at Ohio Wesleyan, this is your opportunity to propose a new Small Living Unit (SLU). SLUs are unique communities aligned…

Nov. 15 @ 4 p.m. – Learn about Landrace Gardening + Free Seeds

Do you want to garden and minimize failures? Come to SCSC 205 from 4-5 p.m. Nov. 15 to learn about a gardening technique that provides high yields with minimum effort while being more sustainable than conventional methods. Free pumpkin seeds…

Bishop Scholars is BACK!

The Bishop Scholars tutoring program will resume in January! Please watch the OWU Daily next week for additional details, including two scheduled informational meetings. Contact Kerri Robe at if you have specific questions. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Service Learning Office Contact:…

International Students – Official Bulletins

International Students are reminded to read the IOCP Bulletin. Official notifications and SEVIS guidance specifically for internationals are sent via the Bulletin. The most recent Bulletin was recently sent – it includes important information about preparing for break travel, OPT, and STEM OPT. Please check…

Nov. 14 @ 6 p.m. – Indigenous Crafts and Food at the Ross

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month with OWU’s Indigenous Peoples Movement Student Group and the Ross Art Museum. Join us at the Ross for beading and braiding crafts and food celebrating native heritage including: Beef & Bison Fry Bread, 3 Sisters…

Nov. 15 – RA/Mod Information in HWCC Atrium

If you are interested in being an RA/Mod for the 2024-2025 academic year but have some questions, please stop by our table and ask any questions you have! We’ll be in the HWCC atrium from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.…

Nov. 19 – Vigil for Palestine

Join YDSA as we honor the lives of the Palestinian martyrs who have been lost. This vigil is a time to come together collectively and pay respect to the perseverance and dignity of the people of Palestine. We will gather…