Category Student News & Events

NEW Drop-In Hours for Career Connection Office

Need a resume/cover letter review, or have quick career questions? Come to Career Connection at HWCC 324 during our drop-in hours from 12:00 PM – 4:30 p.m. to get started. We have trained Career Advisors, Peer Coaches and Alumni in…

Questions About the OWU Connection? Ask A Merrick Mentor!

OWU Connection Mentors are available in Merrick Hall from 9 am to 4 pm every weekday. If you have questions about Travel Learning Courses, Theory-to-Practice Grants, Study Abroad, Domestic Off-Campus Programs, Small Grants, etc. stop by and ask. Mentors have…

We Love Clarinets!

The OWU Symphonic Wind Ensemble is seeking students who play the clarinet. (Actually, all brass, woodwind, and percussionists are welcome, but we really need clarinets.) For more information, please contact Rich Edwards at Ensemble webpage:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Music Department.…

Aug. 29 – Explore Careers in Washington, D.C., Over Fall Break

Apply for the Bishop Externship Program sponsored by the Career Connection. The externship information meeting is on Thurs., 8/29 from 7-7:30 p.m. in the Stuy Fishbowl. Career Connection covers food, lodging, and transportation costs. Applications open on Fri., 8 Externships are…

Open Spot for LA CASA

Are you a part of / have a deep interest in the Latin American Culture? Come meet the members of LA CASA on Aug. 30 from 6-8 p.m.! We are looking for one more person to join this awesome family,…

New to OWU? Want to Act? Sign up for “Scenes!”

Actors are still needed for “Scenes!” the annual scene showcase for new OWU students. The performance on Sept. 21 will be directed by members of the THEA380 Directing for the Stage class, and any new student — first-year or transfer…