Category Student News & Events

Need Help with Foreign Language Class? MFL Offers Tutoring!

Tutoring is available for MFL classes — schedules are posted in the hallway outside of the Modern Foreign Languages office, University 212, and in the Language Lab, University 213. Students seeking assistance do not need to sign up ahead of…

WCSA Vacancy Announcements

Do you want to help improve life on OWU’s campus? WCSA (student government) is seeking to fill vacancies for two Senator positions, three Class Representative positions (one for the class of 2021, one for the class of 2022, and one…

Sept. 20 – Deadline to Apply for Study Abroad/Away

Want to study away (abroad or domestic programs*) for Spring 2020? Here are two things you can do now to get started: 1. Attend a Study Away Q&A meeting (watch the OWU Daily for dates/ times/ locations). 2. Start “Round…

Sept. 14 – Clubs/Organization Get Organized at GO! OWU

GO! is a leadership conference for club leaders that will be held Saturday, Sept. 14. Registration is on Engage (or and will be open until midnight Wednesday, Sept. 11. There will be a free breakfast before the conference, pizza, and…

Come Audition for the OWtsiders!

Come audition with OWU’s only co-ed a capella group! We welcome people of all skill levels and experience to audition with us! We are in need of all parts. If you are interested, please fill out the following form:  The…

Spot Open in Creative Arts House!

Do you have a passion for the arts? If so, you may be perfect for the Creative Arts House! We have one spot left open! Contact Beverly King at if you are interested! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Creative Arts House. Contact: Beverly…

Do You Need Help With Your Club’s Purchasing Needs?

Are you wondering how to find funds for your club, where to purchase items for an event, how ordering transportation works, or have any other club related questions? All of these needs can be taken care of by making an…

Sign Up For Intramural Futsal

Indoor futsal will be played Monday and Wednesday in Edwards Gym starting September 9. Sign up individually or create a team at OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Intramurals. Contact: Winter Jones at