Category Student News & Events

Mid-Semester Break Shuttles

Are you leaving campus for mid-semester break? Do you need a ride to the airport? If so, the University is offering shuttles to and from the Columbus airport (CHM). Information (including the shuttle schedule and price) can be found on…

Today – Free Flu Shots!

For the first time the Student Health Center will be supplying flu shots at no cost to students! Flu season is approaching fast and since the vaccination takes two weeks to take effect it is encouraged that you get it…

Spanish Majors: Apply for Don Lenfest Award by October 15!

The Don Lenfest Award is granted to Junior, Senior, or exceptional Sophomore students who major or minor in Spanish. The students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.8, and a minimum of 3.5 in Spanish. It is intended for…

Big Changes in Storage

Ohio Wesleyan is changing its storage programs for bicycles, refrigerators, and personal items. Bicycle storage: Effectively immediately, OWU will provide bike storage for students at no cost. If you have a bicycle to store for fall and winter, please contact…

WCSA Elections!

Are you interested in creating change at OWU? Are you looking for an opportunity to become a student leader? Consider joining student government! The Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) is your student government at OWU, serving as a liaison…

Health Tip of the Week

Should you get that Hangover Burger from Hamburger Inn? We’ve all had a rough morning or two. But what’s the best way to get over it? You may want to turn to salt, fat, and grease when you’re feeling the…

TOMORROW – Quesadilla Delivery

Satisfy your late night munchies with cheese quesadillas tomorrow, October 5, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.! Vegan and gluten free options available! Text (614) 654-8676 to order, with payment amount and delivery location! Cash or venmo! $3 each or…

Oct. 16 – Connection Week: Career Connection – Register Today!

In 5 minutes or less you will be able to have mini resume reviews, quick self-assessments, learn more about Career Connection, explore career opportunities, and access tech tips and tools! This interactive career resource fair will include free giveaways, raffle…

Teamwork: Are You Career Ready For It?

Each month Career Connection will feature a key competency that our employers seek in students and recent graduates! This month, our featured skill is “Teamwork and Collaboration.” Come to our Connection Week’s Career & Alumni Connection events, Teamwork workshop and…

Oct. 8 @ 11:30 a.m. – Visit the Major Fair

Are you undecided about your major? Are you considering a second major? Representatives from many departments and programs will be available in the lobby of Merrick Hall from 11:30-1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Stop in and consult the experts…