Category Student News & Events

Second Module Courses Begin!

Second Module Courses start Monday October 14! You may add/or drop a second module course up until Tuesday, October 22 at 5 p.m. You may do this using the online change of schedule form  or a blue paper form. You will…

Oct. 18 – Celebrate Mental Health with Active Minds!

Join us on Friday, Oct. 18, for an opportunity to celebrate and promote the acceptance of mental illness, and the importance of taking care of your mental health. The purpose of this event is for students to share their stories…

UC 160: A Fun Way to Make Up Service Projects!

OWU Physics and Astronomy Professor Bob Harmon has graciously offered to take UC 160 students to this event, and seats are still available. This event is really fun! Email Dr. Harmon directly to secure a place on the van. His…

Homecoming Week Student Events!

Come and show your OWU spirit October 14 -19 for Homecoming Week! The theme is Are You Game?! Each day has events for students to get connected, build community and have some fun. Also, make sure to pick up your…

TODAY @ NOON – Career Connection: Prizes, Food & Career Resources

Win raffles, prizes, and giveaways; all while enjoying snacks and refreshments. Come away with valuable career resources for your Career Exploration, Resume/Cover Letter, Networking/Interviewing & Job/Internship Search! Take action on your career progress by participating in mini resume reviews and…

Oct. 30 & Oct 31 – Budget Management System Training

Attention student organizations! In order to stay in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office all treasurers (or a representative from your organization) must attend a Budget System Management System (BMS) Training on either October 30 OR October 31 from…

YOGA for Your Mental Health

Yoga for Your Mental Health is every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 5:15-6:15 p.m. in the Chapel on third floor of Hamilton Williams Campus Center. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress,…