Category Student News & Events

Oct. 27 – The Witching Hour

Got a hunger for horror? A calling to wear costumes? An appetite for appetizers? Then walk, run, shuffle, or crawl on over to Milligan Hub in Stuyvesant Hall 7-10 p.m. Oct. 27 for The Witching Hour, Wesleyan Players’ first ever…

Oct. 24 @ 12:10 p.m. – Club Members: Learn How To at OWU!

Club members: do you need to know how to reserve rooms? Order catering? Plan and market your events? Navigate Engage? Learn these things and more at the “How To at OWU” open session, Thursday, October 24, from 12:10-1:00 p.m. in…

Today @ Noon – Women In Science Meeting!

We are going to be doing a fun penny transformation experiment with Dr. Hejmanowski! Come to Women in Science Club this Friday, Oct. 18, noon-1 in SCSC 163. As always, FREE PIZZA will be provided! Come hang out with other…

Got Spring Break Plans? Check Out This Year’s Wilderness Treks

If you are looking for something fun, challenging, and meaningful to do for spring break, then check out this year’s two Wilderness Treks: Backpacking in New Mexico and Canoeing in Florida & Georgia. Each trip focuses on outdoor skills and…

Oct. 30 and Oct. 31 – Budget Management System Training

Attention student organizations! In order to stay in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office all treasurers (or a representative from your organization) must attend a Budget System Management System (BMS) Training on either October 30 OR October 31 from…

Today @ 6 – Celebrate Mental Health with Active Minds!

Join us on Friday, Oct. 18, for an opportunity to celebrate and promote the acceptance of mental illness, and the importance of taking care of your mental health. The purpose of this event is for students to share their stories…

Homecoming Week Student Events!

Come and show your OWU spirit October 14 -19 for Homecoming Week! The theme is Are You Game?! Each day has events for students to get connected, build community and have some fun. Also, make sure to pick up your…