Category Student News & Events

Free STI Testing

The OWU Health Center is again offering free STI testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia! The majority of people with Gonorrhea and Chlamydia never show symptoms, which makes early screening so important! Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can cause serious health problems if…

Student Organization Funding Deadlines

Attention student organizations! The deadline for fall supplemental funding is Wednesday, November 6 and the deadline for spring budget requests are Friday, November 8. Be sure to plan with your organization to request appropriate funding for upcoming travel, conferences, tournaments,…

Oct. 27 – The Witching Hour

Got a hunger for horror? A calling to wear costumes? An appetite for appetizers? Then walk, run, shuffle, or crawl on over to Milligan Hub in Stuyvesant Hall 7-10 p.m. Oct. 27 for The Witching Hour, Wesleyan Players’ first ever…

Oct. 30 and Oct. 31 – Budget Management System Training

Attention student organizations! In order to stay in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office all treasurers (or a representative from your organization) must attend a Budget System Management System (BMS) Training on either October 30 OR October 31 from…

Boo! Watch a spooky movie tonight!

Halloween is almost here. Check out this great collection of horror movies that you can download or stream from The Internet Archive. These films are public domain so they’re exempt from copyright restrictions and free to use for campus events.…

Nov. 6 – Service Dogs 101

What is a service dog? What do they do? How do I act around a service dog? Learn how long it takes to train a service dog from a professional service dog trainer. Learn the laws protecting service dogs and…

Spring Break Wilderness Trek Applications Due Today!

If you are looking for something fun, challenging, and meaningful to do for spring break, then check out this year’s two Wilderness Treks: Backpacking in New Mexico and Canoeing in Florida & Georgia. Each trip focuses on outdoor skills and…