OSU’s African Night Sign-Up
OSU is hosting its annual African Night on November 23. Rafiki will be taking any student that signs-up to go before the November 15. Please note that the last day to sign is on Nov. 15 so we can prepare…
OSU is hosting its annual African Night on November 23. Rafiki will be taking any student that signs-up to go before the November 15. Please note that the last day to sign is on Nov. 15 so we can prepare…
Pasta. Pizza. Pastries. Pleasures. Comforting carbs are loved by college students across the country. They also happen to be staple foods at the dining halls, making it very difficult to deny. But are carbs something we should control? OR just…
The US Environmental Protection Agency has announced its eighth annual Campus RainWorks Challenge, a sustainability master plan design competition that is open to colleges and universities in the United States and its territories. Through this competition the EPA seeks to…
Calling WGS & BWS majors! Rob Quanbeck from Carleton College will be on campus today, Nov. 6, tabling from 11-1 p.m. in HWCC Atrium. The Carleton College Global Engagement programs include Women & Gender Studies in Europe () and Ecology…
Stop by the Leadership Fellows table this week in the HWCC atrium over the noon hour. Learn how to develop the transferable skills and work experience employers want from students who currently hold a Fellowship. Fellowships require 2 voluntary hours/week…
Thinking about applying to be an Resident Assistant or Moderator for 2020-2021? Residential Life is now accepting applications for both spring semester vacancies and the 2020-2021 academic year. Want to learn more about the RA/Moderator position? Attend an information session!…
Attention student organizations! To stay in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office, all treasurers (or a representative from your organization) must attend a Budget System Management System (BMS) Training. We are offering another training on Wednesday, Nov. 6 at…
Yoga for Your Mental Health is every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 5:15-6:15 p.m. in the Chapel on third floor of Hamilton Williams Campus Center. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress,…
With the upcoming presidential election, people are concerned about a lot of things. The College Democrats, College Republicans, and the Young Democratic Socialists of America are planning to put together informational pamphlets and events to help explain different issues and…
With only three hours of rehearsal per week, seven home game commitments (four of which replace a weekly rehearsal), and a season that ends mid-February, the Bishop Basketball Band is a great place for busy students to make music. Standard…