Category Student News & Events

Open Spot in House of Linguistic Diversity Next Semester!

Are you passionate about language and culture? Then you’re in luck! The House of Linguistic Diversity (the blue SLU on Rowland) has an open spot next semester that we are looking to fill! We are currently looking for sophomores, juniors,…

Nov. 17 @ NOON – Get Your Pottery On

Are you ready to get your pottery on? Join the Honors Board at the Bare Bowl in Downtown Delaware on Sunday, November 17 at 12 p.m. to paint some pottery! We will be covering the first $10 of whatever you…

TODAY @ NOON – SOAN November Social

Come get to know Professors Dean, Durst, Hildebrand, Trask, and Yalçinkaya at the SOAN November Social today, Nov. 13, at noon in Elliott 304. Hear their stories about how we they got into sociology and anthropology – who nearly ended…

Fall 2020 – Off-Campus Study! Now’s The Time…

If you are thinking of studying off campus Fall 2020 it is not too early to begin the process! First, check out the “Steps to Study Away” found on the IOCP Off Campus Study OWU website: Next, complete the…

TOMORROW @ NOON – Moot Court Team Informational Meeting

Tomorrow, Nov. 14, from 12-1 p.m. in Elliot 205, OWU’s Moot Court team will be holding an informational session about the course, the team, and Pre Law Club in general. Dr. Esler will be there to provide additional information and…

Free Nutrition Consulting!

The Student Health Center is now offering free Nutrition Consulting for OWU students! Angelina Caradonna is well trained in nutrition and health, she is currently a Dietetic Intern at OSU and will be available for students to schedule an appointment.…

TONIGHT @ 6 p.m. – Poster Making Session for ONE OWU

In response to the recent attempts at spreading hate on our campus, SIAC and broader WCSA would like to sponsor a poster making session for students prior to the ONE OWU event on Wednesday, Nov. 13. This will be a…

Nov. 13 @ 4:45 – ONE OWU Student March

In collaboration with the ONE OWU Gathering, I will be leading a student march from the fountain outside of Beeghly library to the Labyrinth on Wednesday, Nov. 13. Please be at the fountain no later than 4:45 p.m. as we…