Category Student News & Events

WIN $10 – Survey on the Use of AI in Art

Your perspective is vital! Participate in a survey exploring the fascinating crossroads of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Art. This study seeks to understand your views on the ethical and philosophical aspects of AI’s integration into art. Your thoughtful responses will…

Summer 2024 Camp Counselors Wanted for OWjL Camp

OWjL is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Complete college freshman year by June 2024. -Be available June 4-28, 2024. -Apply…

Dec 12 @ 12 p.m. – Sustainability Blog Launch Party

“From the Canopy” is the Treehouse’s new blog focused on promoting sustainable lifestyle changes and educating on environmental topics. Stay informed by reading blog posts throughout the academic year. Be among the first to subscribe to the blog today to…

TODAY @ Noon – Honors Board Goodie Bag Handout

Stop by our table in the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Atrium TODAY at noon for a good luck goodie bag before finals week brought to you by the Honors Board! Goodie bags are limited, and they are claimed on a first-come,…

OWU Italian Club for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Hi! Last spring semester I started formulating ideas for an Italian club on campus. I’d hoped to get it started by this semester, but I’m busy as it is and would like to hand over the club to someone who…

Tutor Positions Needed For Spring 2024

The Sagan Academic Resource Center (ARC) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in making a positive impact on your fellow Bishops! Tutoring support is needed for multiple disciplines/courses for the Spring 2024 semester, including but not limited to: French and…

Have We Heard From You? Complete Your Course Evaluations!

Don’t miss your chance to have your voice heard by taking a few minutes to complete your course evaluations. Your feedback means a great deal! Help your faculty to improve their teaching and ensure that their courses serve your needs.…

Student Health Center Upcoming Hours

The Student Health Center will be closed after Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, and reopen on Jan. 17, 2024. Please use this link for a list of clinics and urgent care locations if you are ill during this time and need care: OWU Sponsoring…

Annual Giving is Hiring an Engagement Intern This Spring!

The Office of Annual Giving has an Engagement Internship available this spring for students interested in engaging with a variety of populations including students, alumni, and donors. Our Engagement Intern works with the full Annual Giving team to engage, solicit,…