Category Student News & Events

Feb. 6 – Club Leaders – Learn How to at OWU!

Club members: do you need to know how to reserve rooms? Order catering? Plan and market your events? Navigate Engage? Learn these things and more at the “How to at OWU” open session, Thursday, February 6 from 4:10-5:00 pm in…

La Casa Open Spots!

Are you a Hispanic who wants to feel more at home on campus? Do you want to learn more about Latin American Culture? Do you love bachata, Bad Bunny, and moving your hips like they don’t lie as much as…

Student Involvement Office Resources Available

Attention Registered Student Organizations! Did you know there are FREE resources available for you to use in the SIO?! From poster paper, paint, balloons, and much more! Visit the link to see the complete list: To use any of…

Accounting Fellows Application now live!

The 2020-2021 Accounting Fellows Application is now live! Complete by Friday, Feb. 28th. You can receive instructions on the application requirements and fill out the application by going to We can’t wait to review your application! OWU Sponsoring Organization/…

Looking for money? Scholarship Opportunity!

Ohio Wesleyan students who meet the prerequisites below are invited to apply to attend the two days, expenses paid, Dean’s Weekend for Specialty Masters Programs at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management (WSOM). – Graduate or upcoming 2020…

Figure Drawing Models Needed

The OWU Fine Arts Department is seeking models for T, TH evening Figure Drawing classes, 6-9 p.m. Prior experience is not necessary, but students must be on Work Study to be eligible. Contact Frank Hobbs: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Fine…

FREE Yoga for Your Mental Health!

FREE Yoga for Your Mental Health is every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm in the Chapel on the third floor of Hamilton Williams Campus Center. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit…

TODAY – Study Away Q&A Info Meeting!

If you have been considering studying off-campus (domestic or abroad) please join us TODAY for the second of the three scheduled “Study Away Q&A” info sessions. Tuesday, February 4 (12 pm in Merrick #106) 1) Step one: visit this website…

What is a CEO?

What is a CEO?  An extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance,  The highest-ranking executive in a company or organization,  YOU! You have been identified as a top student-leader in your graduating…