Category Student News & Events

Interested in being a Camp Leader or an Orientation Leader?

Applications to be a Camp Leader for Camp Oh-Wooo and an Orientation Leader for Summer Orientation are now open! What is an Orientation Leader? Orientation Leaders facilitate small group discussions during Summer Orientation in June and help incoming students and…

Panel discussion Wednesday: Urban Teachers, City Year, Peace Corps

Come hear a panel discussion with Urban Teachers, Peace Corps, & City Year! Panera Bread will be provided. Register on Handshake: Wednesday 5-6, Crider lounge, Ham-Wil 2nd floor. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Career Connection. Contact: Career Connection at

Service Engagement and Leadership SLU application!

Are you interested in living in a community of service minded leaders? Apply to live in the new Service Engagement and Leadership SLU! Applications are due this Thursday, February 5th by 11:59 pm and interviews will take place next week.…

The Flu(eww)- Health Tip

The flu has reached OWU with its first diagnosis, and the Health center wants all students to be cautious. The flu has a lot of symptoms that come with it, none of which are enjoyable. These symptoms include: cough, sore…

Microaggressions Project

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, in accordance with the action items that stemmed from the DEI Summit in the fall, is putting together a project surrounding microaggressions on campus at OWU– both to provide students from marginalized communities an…

Free Appointments – Health Center

Appointments are free for students at the Health Center! If there is any bump, rash, sore throat, or a cough that is causing you to worry to have it checked out by a health professional at no cost to you.…

Feb. 10 – Own Change: Leadership in the Tech World w/OWU Alumni

Monday, February 10, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in HWCC 304. RSVP on Handshake here: Pizza & refreshments will be served! Join OWU Alumni Toby Phongmekin ’16 & Zack Katona ’17 for their leadership stories and experiences at TEKsystems. TEKsystems is…

WCSA Minutes from 1/27

These are the approved minutes from the Full Body meaning of the Wesleyan Council of Student Affairs on January 27, 2020. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Wesleyan Council of Student Affiars Contact: Elisabeth Evers at

Interested in SLUshing the Interfaith House?

Get to know the IF house at our Open House! We support everyone’s personal and independent journey in their faith or nonfaith practices. Come find out what it means to COEXIST with the Interfaith House at 8:00 pm Thursday, Feb.…

Job openings this Wednesday Peace Corps, City Year, and Hagerty

Join us for our monthly employer spotlight. 3 big companies coming to town, 11:30-1, Ham-Wil Atrium : – Peace Corps – Hagerty – City Year Full-time, Part-time and Internship opportunities available! Hope to see you all there! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…