Category Student News & Events

TONIGHT – Get to gnome Tree House! Sculpt and snack

Our open house will be Thursday from 6pm-8pm. We will have sculpey clay for sculpting, nature documentaries, and vegan food! Can’t attend and still interested in SLUshing Trouse? Email Mahnoor Ansari for an application and to sign up for an…

Sign Up for Interviews with HOLD!

It’s SLUsh season, and HOLD (the House of Linguistic Diversity, aka “The Blue SLU”), is having interviews next week! If you are interested in signing up for an interview time, please email Logan Kovach, the Moderator of HOLD, at…

Interested in Joining the Creative Arts House?

Are you passionate about the arts? Do you love using your creativity? If so, the Creative Arts House may be the perfect community for you! We have loved our first year in our new home at 123 Oak Hill, and…

The Flu(eww) – Health Tip

The flu has reached OWU with its first diagnosis, and the Health center wants all students to be cautious. The flu has a lot of symptoms that come with it, none of which are enjoyable. These symptoms include: cough, sore…

Leadership: Are You Career Ready For It?

Continuing with last semester’s series, each month Career Connection will feature a key NACE competency that our employers seek in students and recent graduates! This month, our featured skill is “Leadership”. Come to a Leadership Competency Workshop with TekSystems, the…

Free Appointments – Health Center

Appointments are free for students at the Health Center! If there is any bump, rash, sore throat, or a cough that is causing you to worry to have it checked out by a health professional at no cost to you.…

Valentine’s Day Dorm Decorating

Do you love OWU? Show us how much! Decorate your dorm room, doorway, or hallway for Valentine’s Day and win an exclusive prize! Sign up here: ( Include Bob Bishop into your decorations for bonus points! Judging will take place…

On-Campus Summer Job Opportunity

Interested in working on campus over the summer? Summer Conference & Events is looking for Summer Camp & Conference Staff. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes a competitive salary,…

What is a CEO?

What is a CEO?  An extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance,  The highest-ranking executive in a company or organization,  YOU! You have been identified as a top student-leader in your graduating…