Category Student News & Events

Leadership: Are You Career Ready For It?

Continuing with last semester’s series, each month Career Connection will feature a key NACE competency that our employers seek in students and recent graduates! This month, our featured skill is “Leadership”. Come to a Leadership Competency Workshop with TekSystems, the…

Feb. 7 @ 6pm – CoW Open House

CoWs, Cheese, and Cards! Join us for an evening of grilled cheese*, international snacks, and games as you learn about SLU life from the CoW perspective! Friday, February 7, 6-8pm 88 Oak Hill Ave (The yellow house across from Stuy,…

Free Appointments – Health Center

Appointments are free for students at the Health Center! If there is any bump, rash, sore throat, or a cough that is causing you to worry to have it checked out by a health professional at no cost to you.…

The Flu(eww) – Health Tip

The flu has reached OWU with its first diagnosis, and the Health center wants all students to be cautious. The flu has a lot of symptoms that come with it, none of which are enjoyable. These symptoms include: cough, sore…

Figure Drawing Models Needed

The OWU Fine Arts Department is seeking models for T, TH evening Figure Drawing classes, 6-9 p.m. Prior experience is not necessary, but students must be on Work Study to be eligible. Contact Frank Hobbs: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Fine…

Interfaith Open House tonight!

Join the Interfaith House tonight at 8:00 for some goodies and video games! Get to know our house where we support everyone in their faith or nonfaith journey! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Interfaith House. Contact: Maddie Bothwell at

Today@ 4:10pm – Club Leaders – Learn How to at OWU!

Club members: do you need to know how to reserve rooms? Order catering? Plan and market your events? Navigate Engage? Learn these things and more at the “How to at OWU” open session, Thursday, February 6 from 4:10-5:00 pm in…

Sagan Writing Center Award – 1st Place: $200, 2nd Place: $100.

Deadline March 6, 2020. Graduating Seniors only: Submit your graduate or professional school application essays for the annual Sagan Writing Center Award! 1st Place: $200. 2nd Place: $100. For information about the award and the submission process, contact Martine Stephens…

TODAY @ Noon – Gilman Off-Campus Study Scholarship Presentation!

Please join us TODAY at Merrick 106, as Joe Brush shares his personal journey on how he navigated the application process for the Gilman Scholarship…and how it paid off! The Gilman International Scholarship Program provides up to $5,000 (or $8,000…

Service Engagement and Leadership SLU application!

Are you interested in living in a community of service minded leaders? Apply to live in the new Service Engagement and Leadership SLU! Applications are due this Thursday, February 5th by 11:59 pm and interviews will take place next week.…