Category Student News & Events

Off-Campus Study Fall 2020 DEADLINE is Approaching Quickly!

Just a heads up–If you are interested in, or seriously considering studying off-campus, whether abroad or domestic, the application deadline is coming up. You must begin the application process, including the online Round 1 portion, by next Saturday, February 15.…

Creativity – Health Tip

Papers. Work. Reading. Brief possibility of free time. Homework. Exam. Repeat. With the constant grind of academic obligations when you have free time the only activity that you might be drawn to is zoning out on your phone or watching…

Spread the Love! Pre-Register for Free Flowers!

Love is in the air! Celebrate those near and dear to your heart by pre-ordering flowers or picking them up the day of Valentine’s Day. CPB members will be tabling on Monday (2/10) and Tuesday (2/11). Pick up for all…

Full Scholarship to Study in Ireland with Trinity College Dublin!

Trinity College Dublin has partnered with Go Overseas to offer one student the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to win a full scholarship to complete a master’s program at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland! The scholarship will officially launch…

Interested in developing skills to be club leader?

Pathway to Leadership: Developing your Personal Credibility will focus on building the skills you need as a member of a club, to prepare you for serving as an officer or in a leadership position in the future. Ideal for new…

On-Campus Summer Job Opportunity

Interested in working on campus over the summer? Summer Conference & Events is looking for Summer Camp & Conference Staff. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes a competitive salary,…

Off-Campus Study Fall 2020 DEADLINE is Approaching Quickly!

Just a heads up–If you are interested in, or seriously considering studying off-campus, whether abroad or domestic, the application deadline is coming up. You must begin the application process, including the online Round 1 portion, by next Saturday, February 15.…

Dine with a Dietetic Intern

Interested in how you can eat well on campus? Amy Sharn, Human Nutrition Graduate student and dietetic intern at the Ohio State University, is working the Nutrition program and AVI Fresh this semester to provide a FREE service to students…

Leadership: Are You Career Ready For It?

Continuing with last semester’s series, each month Career Connection will feature a key NACE competency that our employers seek in students and recent graduates! This month, our featured skill is “Leadership”. Come to a Leadership Competency Workshop with TekSystems, the…