Category Student News & Events

Free Nutrition Consulting! – Health Center

The Student Health Center is now offering free Nutrition consulting for OWU students! Amy Sharn is well trained in nutrition and health, she is currently a Dietetic Intern at OSU and will be available for students to schedule an appointment.…

Creativity – Health Tip

Papers. Work. Reading. Brief possibility of free time. Homework. Exam. Repeat. With the constant grind of academic obligations when you have free time the only activity that you might be drawn to is zoning out on your phone or watching…

Feb. 13 @ 6pm – Valentine’s Day Dorm Decorating

Do you love OWU? Show us how much! Decorate your dorm room, doorway, or hallway for Valentine’s Day and win an exclusive prize! Sign up here: ( Include Bob Bishop into your decorations for bonus points! Judging will take place…

Feb. 14 – Lunch w/ HBO Film Maker & NYAP Alum

Come meet JP Olsen, OWU and New York Arts Program alum and current director of original programming for HBO/VICE & VICE News. Friday, Feb. 14, at noon in Merrick 201. JP will be sharing about his experience mentoring students in…

Sagan Writing Center Award – 1st Place: $200, 2nd Place: $100.

8Deadline March 6, 2020. Graduating Seniors only: Submit your graduate or professional school application essays for the annual Sagan Writing Center Award! 1st Place: $200. 2nd Place: $100. For information about the award and the submission process, contact Martine Stephens…

Off-Campus Study Fall 2020 DEADLINE is Approaching Quickly!

Just a heads up–If you are interested in, or seriously considering studying off-campus, whether abroad or domestic, the application deadline is coming up. You must begin the application process, including the online Round 1 portion, by next Saturday, February 15.…

Feb. 14 – Women in Science Club Meeting!

We will listen to a fun lecture about love hormones given by our Dr. Dustin Reichard! Come to the WinS meeting this Friday, Feb. 14, noon-1 in SCSC 163 to learn about the hormones behind love. As always, FREE PIZZA…

Apply to ACM Oak Ridge Science Semester by Feb. 15!

Looking for a science study abroad or study away program? Check out this exciting opportunity with ACM Oak Ridge Science Semester! You can find their information here at this link: BUT be sure apply to complete your OWU Leave…