Category Student News & Events

Feb. 19 – Casual Game Night At Stuyvesant Hall

Hey there, you got a lot of work this week and can’t seem to relax even after it’s done? Why not come down to play some board games and have some fun with other students? We’re the Ohio Wesleyan Boardgame…

Feb. 20 – What I did with my English Major

Join Kristina Wheeler ’16 to learn about her career in publishing. Kristina will share about how she got her job as an editorial and production assistant at the OSU Press and how she uses the skills she developed at OWU…

Fake Job, Help Wanted – Mock Convention

Mock Convention is looking for volunteers to be security personnel to help run the convention on Feb. 21-22. All volunteers get a free security t-shirt and food. Security detail will work with Public Safety to ensure that delegates follow the…

Summer Science Research at OWU – Due Tomorrow

There’s still time to apply to do summer research at OWU. Choose from projects in Neuroscience, Genetics, Zoology, Psychology, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography, and Chemistry. See for details about projects and how to apply. Application deadline is…


The United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry has scholarships available for the 2020-2021 academic year. You can apply online at Deadline to apply is March 1st. The United Methodist Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2020-2021…

Ohio Student Scholarship Opportunities – Pre-law

Earl F. Morris Endowed Scholarship Program Deadline April 30. $2,500 average award. Supporting seniors in 2020-21 who plan to continue studies in law school. Pre-law is the intention, but not necessarily the major. Exclusively offered to OFIC member campus…

TODAY @ 4 pm – The Philadelphia Center Info Session

Morgan Mahdavi from The Philadelphia Center (TPC) will be hosting an info session TODAY at 4pm in HWCC 229. TPC partners with over 900 organizations and companies in the greater Philadelphia area to offer students a once in a lifetime…

Free Nutrition Consulting!

The Student Health Center is now offering free Nutrition consulting for OWU students! Amy Sharn is well trained in nutrition and health, she is currently a Dietetic Intern at OSU and will be available for students to schedule an appointment.…

Become an Overnight Host for the Office of Admission!

Would you like to be paid to share your OWU pride with others? Do you want to boost your communication skills and leadership potential? Do all this and more by joining the Office of Admission’s Overnight Host Team! We are…

STI Testing

8For a low cost of $12.50 students can be tested for both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia at the Student Health Center. All that is needed is a quick and simple urine test. Early screening is very important because the majority of…