Category Student News & Events

Attention United Methodist Students

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry has scholarships available for the 2020-2021 academic year. You can apply online at Deadline to apply is March 1st. The United Methodist Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2020-2021…

Calling All Juniors and Seniors – Apply for Mortar Board

Mortar Board Senior Honor Society is now accepting applications! We are an organization made up of senior students who are highly involved on campus, serve the community, and have strong academics. If this sounds like you, apply today! Who can…

Feb. 29 – 3v3 Basketball Tournament (Register by Feb. 27)

Want to play in a 3v3 basketball tournament? Sign up at The tournament will be held Saturday at 2 pm in Edwards Gym. Register at least three players by this Thursday (2/27) at midnight in order to play. If you…

March 3 – I Love Female Orgasm

Join us at 7 p.m. March 3 in Benes B to laugh and learn about the “big O,” the most popular topic sex educators Kate Weinberg and Marshall Miller teach about! Orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders are welcome…

Athletes Needed for Research Study

A quick overview of my study is that I would like to test muscle recruitment in the quadriceps of different athletes at OWU. Participation is completely voluntary and all personal information will not be published. Before testing, participants will need…

Feb. 28 @ 12:10pm – Pizza and Environmental Work

This Friday, join ENVS 399 and Cria Kay in Science Center room 207 for a short presentation entitled “Urban Studies and Environmental Work: Water and Wildlife”. Cria will then answer student questions about graduate school and careers focused on the…

Feb. 26 – Monthly *Beers with the SOAN Gang

Join the SOAN Gang on Weds 2/26 Noon-1PM in Elliott 304 for *ROOTBEERS and LUNCH. Guest speakers with local community organizations and Sally Leber, Director of Community Service Learning will share about working at a non-profit . OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

Slush SAGE for This Fall!

Do you believe in intersectional feminism? Do you care about the rights of queer and trans people? If so, you might belong in SAGE! Email for more information or to apply. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: SAGE. Contact: Maggie Welsh at

Apply for an Amazing Summer Leadership Experience – LeaderShape!

LeaderShape is a six-day summer leadership conference that focuses on creating a vision and leading with integrity. Delegates return feeling confident working in groups, taking pride in ethical leadership and empowered taking leadership roles. LeaderShape creates “impossibility thinkers” with the…

Scholarship Opportunity – OH, PA, IN, and IL Students

Butler-Wells Scholarship Fund Deadline April 1. $2,500 awards. 2.0 GPA Resident of OH, PA, IN, IL (Preference for students from Piqua, Cincinnati, or Miami County) Financial need Course of study must be related to specific career objectives OWU Sponsoring…