Category Student News & Events

Intramural Volleyball

Sign up for the intramural volleyball season starting right after spring break. Games will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays at Edwards court from 8 to 10 pm. You can find more information and register at and A minimum…

Feb. 27 – Craft Night in Smith

Late Night at Smith this Thursday, February 27th, from 9 PM to 12 PM in Smith Dining. There will be painting, coloring, drawing, Play Doh, DIY Slime. Guided Painting Session from 9:30-10:30, limited spots, sign up via the QR code…

Spring Break Housing Registration

Spring Break is coming up fast! The residential communities close Saturday, March 7 at noon and reopen Sunday, March 15 at 9 am. If you plan to stay on campus on any day over the break period, you need to…

Quick Preliminary Survey for Independent Study

My name is Sophia Ahmed, and I’m a senior at OWU. I am enrolled in an Independent Study in Geography with Professor Ashley Allen, and we are focusing on how eco-friendly perceptions impact green consumerism across geographies within the student…

Attention United Methodist Students

The United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry has scholarships available for the 2020-2021 academic year. You can apply online at Deadline to apply is March 1st. The United Methodist Foundation also has scholarships available for the 2020-2021…

Senior Networking Night! Registration Closes Feb. 29

The Senior Class Council and the Columbus Alumni Chapter invite you to join them from 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, for an evening of networking and answering the question, “What is life like after OWU?” This event is free to…

Athletes Needed for Research Study

A quick overview of my study is that I would like to test muscle recruitment in the quadriceps of different athletes at OWU. Participation is completely voluntary and all personal information will not be published. Before testing, participants will need…

Feb. 29 – 3v3 Basketball Tournament (Register by Feb. 27)

Want to play in a 3v3 basketball tournament? Sign up at The tournament will be held Saturday at 2 pm in Edwards Gym. Register at least three players by this Thursday (2/27) at midnight in order to play. If you…

Don’t Wait to Buy Your Books!

Don’t wait until the last minute to buy your books! The Campus Store will return many books for full-semester courses to publishers and wholesalers over Spring Break. This does not apply to second-module courses. Books are returned or sold off…

Quick Preliminary Survey for Independent Study

My name is Sophia Ahmed, and I’m a senior at OWU. I am enrolled in an Independent Study in Geography with Professor Ashley Allen, and we are focusing on how eco-friendly perceptions impact green consumerism across geographies within the student…