Be an usher! Earn an extra credit!
Hello, Would you like to earn an extra credit and work for the theater department? All you need to do is sign up to be an usher! If you are interested in seeing a show and earning a credit, please…
Hello, Would you like to earn an extra credit and work for the theater department? All you need to do is sign up to be an usher! If you are interested in seeing a show and earning a credit, please…
The Modern Foreign Language Department and the Palmer Global Scholars Program is happy to announce that former Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley will be available at 4 pm Tuesday, September 29, to speak to students interested in international business, international organizations, NGOs,…
In lieu of our annual “Welcome Back Picnic” OWU’s SOAN Department wants to invite you to join our Zoom discussion. SOAN Faculty will share how the pandemic and hybrid/virtual teaching have shaped our sense of community on campus and back…
We are working on a project for ECON 251. Please fill out this survey with numerical data only. Survey only 30 seconds max. Thank you! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Economics Department Contact: Chase Dusek at
Join a co-ed Soccer club TODAY!! Our goal is to compete against other soccer clubs across the states. We hold practices, trainings, and also play for fun in our spare times. Everyone is welcome to join, for the fun, for…
The English Department’s student-run blog, The Sturges Script, is now accepting submissions! This semester, the blog’s main focus will be travel. Any stories surrounding previous travel, anticipated travel, or even dreamed-of travel are welcome, including stories that weave in portions…
Do you believe in equality across the gender and sexuality spectrum? Are you interested in feminist issues? Do you care about diversity and making a positive change in the world? Consider joining the Sexuality and Gender Equality house! We have…
We are working on a project for ECON 251. Please fill out this survey with numerical data only. Survey only 30 seconds max. Thank you! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Economics Department Contact: Chase Dusek at
Looking for an opportunity where you can gain real-world experience and make a genuine impact while interning abroad from home? Through structured projects and virtual engagement with community members, interns will support our team in executing our COVID-19 initiatives. These…
Come gather with the Women in Science Club once again, virtually via Zoom, this Friday, September 25 at 12:40-1:20 pm. Dr.Rudd of the Chemistry Department will be talking with us! Come hang out with other students interested in science (all…