Category Student News & Events

Looking for Student Performers

Are you interested in showcasing your talent during a solo performance in Smith Hall during the spring semester? The Student Involvement Office is coordinating opportunities for students to share their talent on Saturday evenings from 8pm-9pm throughout the semester. Complete…

RUN for WCSA Office! – Info on Upcoming Elections

The Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA) is OWU’s student government, representing the student body on-campus through participating on committees, drafting and passing legislation, allocating the student activity fee, etc. The student body election, to elect the WCSA governing body…

Extra credit Light crew

Looking for student to be involved in the upcoming production of Astronomer Dreamer. We are looking for students interested in being part of light crew for the production. Work begins at the beginning of April and last three weeks. Work…

March 31 – Accounting Fellows Program Application Due

The Accounting Fellows Program will allow a select group of students to combine classroom knowledge with real-world accounting research and application. Students will benefit from this program by participating in academic activities outside of the traditional classroom space, professional development…

Looking for an On-Campus Job?

New positions just added! This year, all open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal:  Once you have logged in to Handshake, please click on Jobs > On Campus. This will bring up all…

Come hear Nadia Bolz-Weber and Darren Calhoun!

United Methodist Campus Ministers and Chaplains of the North Central Jurisdiction invite all students to join us for the first gathering of the Midwest Student Movement, online, on April 10-11, 2021. Students will experience networking with other students, spiritual growth…

LAST WEEK – 💲 Literary Awards 💲

ATTN:  ALL students! Submission time  is now open for the 2021 Literary Awards! Your chance to WIN  BIG has begun! Not an English Major or Minor? No problem, competition is open to ALL students! Check out our poster with all the  prizes and the…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Bones!

When it comes to health, we often overlook our bones because most bone health conditions don’t present themselves until old age. Bone density peaks at around the age 30, and then, we lose more bone mass than we gain which…

SOAN Fitton Prize Award: Deadline to Submit is TODAY!

This is your last chance to submit your SO-AN paper to be considered for the Emily Fitton Prize Paper Award. DEADLINE to submit is TODAY March 26, 2021 (2pm) Note–this award is based upon a paper written for any (OWU)…

Prism Clothing Drive!

Prism, OWU’s LGBTQ+ organization on campus, is having a Clothing Drive for “Out of the Closet” Thrift Store in Columbus, Ohio. Just drop off clothing items in the donation boxes located around campus. Donation boxes are located at: Hamilton-Williams Atrium,…