Category Student News & Events

Thursday, April 1 – Pre-Law Club Meeting at Noon!

Considering a career in law? Interested in joining OWU’s Moot Court Team? Curious about the Pre Law Club and its activities? Join us at this week’s Pre Law Club meeting this Thursday, April 1, at noon. Join us on Zoom…

Laureate 🏆 Award – NOW OPEN

ATTN:  ENG 105 students! Check out the  submission guideline information for The Laureate  Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 at  Or our poster is at:  DO NOT hesitate to get your entry in right away! Deadline is Friday, April 30. OWU Sponsoring…

Bishop Break Interfaith Day of Service – Tuesday, April 13

The Office of Community Service Learning and the Chaplain’s Office are inviting you to participate in a day of interfaith service on Tuesday, April 13 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We’ll be talking about what makes for a good…

LAST WEEK – 💲 Literary Awards 💲

ATTN:  ALL students! Submission time  is now open for the 2021 Literary Awards! Your chance to WIN  BIG has begun! Not an English Major or Minor? No problem, competition is open to ALL students! Check out our poster with all the  prizes and the…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Get Your Vaccine!

According to the Ohio Department of Health, as of Monday, March 29, Phase 2D of vaccinations begins in Ohio, and all people over the age of 16 are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. There are currently 1,325 vaccination administration…

Golden Bishops App Deadline March 31

Nominations for this year’s Golden Bishop Awards are now open. Nominations are due by March 31. For more information visit the Golden Bishops Award page:  Nominations can be made through this online application:  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office Contact:…

Looking for an On-Campus Job?

New positions just added! This year, all open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal:  Once you have logged in to Handshake, please click on Jobs > On Campus. This will bring up all…

Semana Santa Celebration – April 1, 6-8pm

Join VIVA, Spanish Club, CPB, and IF for the celebration of Holy Week in different Spanish cultures around the world! There will be food trucks, t-shirts and FREE MECHANICAL BULL RIDES! This will be outside on the Jay April 1…

RUN for WCSA Office! – Info on Upcoming Elections

The Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA) is OWU’s student government, representing the student body on-campus through participating on committees, drafting and passing legislation, allocating the student activity fee, etc. The student body election, to elect the WCSA governing body…