Category Student News & Events

Bishop Break Interfaith Day of Service – Tuesday, April 13

The Office of Community Service Learning and the Chaplain’s Office are inviting you to participate in a day of interfaith service on Tuesday, April 13 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We’ll be talking about what makes for a good…

Looking for Student Performers

Are you interested in showcasing your talent during a solo performance in Smith Hall during the spring semester? The Student Involvement Office is coordinating opportunities for students to share their talent on Saturday evenings from 8pm-9pm throughout the semester. Complete…

April 24 – Painting With The Honors Board

Come paint pottery with the Honors Board on Saturday, April 24! Paint, mugs, bowls, etc. will be provided by The Bare Bowl! To-go sets will be available for pickup! Due to limited availability, pre-registration is appreciated! Please fill out this…

RUN for WCSA Office! – Info on Upcoming Elections

The Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA) is OWU’s student government, representing the student body on-campus through participating on committees, drafting and passing legislation, allocating the student activity fee, etc. The student body election, to elect the WCSA governing body…

Internships available with the Office of Admission

StAP/ Bishop Ambassador Intern (#3) Application Deadline: April 7 They will assist professional staff in scheduling, training and overseeing our tour guide staff. They will be responsible for weekly correspondence with tour guides, collaborating with other offices on campus to…

College Democrats Leadership Positions Open

Going into Fall of 2021, all of the executive board positions for College Democrats will be open! If you are interested in running for President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, or just are interested/have questions, please contact our current President Mic Kreutzer…

Countdown to Commencement

Countdown to Commencement will take place Friday, April 9, 2021 10 am – 4 pm in the Gordon Field House. This mandatory event is your graduation checklist to make sure you are prepared to leave OWU in 50 days. Please…

Laureate 🏆 Award – NOW OPEN

ATTN:  ENG 105 students! Check out the  submission guideline information for The Laureate  Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 at  Or our poster is at:  DO NOT hesitate to get your entry in right away! Deadline is Friday, April 30. OWU Sponsoring…

ONLY DAYS LEFT –  💲 Literary Awards 💲

ATTN:  ALL students! Submission time  is now open for the 2021 Literary Awards! Your chance to WIN  BIG has begun! Not an English Major or Minor? No problem, competition is open to ALL students! Check out our poster with all the  prizes and the…