Category Student News & Events

Interested in Real Estate?

Interested in Real Estate? Register for FIN 499 with Professor MacLeod. This class is available FALL Semester 2021, MW, 2:10-4:00. Pre-reqs for this course are Core Financial Concepts, or Financial Management, or permission of instructor. If you have any issues…

Today- Ramadan Feast with CPB and Tauheed!

Today, April 30, CPB and Tauheed invite you to a Ramadan Feast at Stuyvesant Hall Patio and Courtyard from 8:15pm-9:30pm! There will be drinks and food available for pick-up, provided by Halal Guys Restaurant! Hope to see you there! Make…

Scholarship Opportunity

All juniors majoring in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance Economics, Management Economics, Quantitative Economics, or International Business are eligible for the Christian Kamm Scholarship. For the purpose of this scholarship, junior means students who will graduate next year. For the…

2021-22 P&G Student Board Nominations Are Now!

All Politics & Govt. and Pre-Law majors and minors are invited to submit nominations for the 2021-22 Politics & Government Student/Faculty Board. The nominees must: 1) Be declared PG or Pre-Law majors who are interested in improving the program and…

Looking for Student Performers

Are you interested in showcasing your talent during a solo performance in Smith Hall during the spring semester? The Student Involvement Office is coordinating opportunities for students to share their talent on Saturday evenings from 8pm-9pm throughout the semester. Complete…

School Supply Drive for Columbus Bilingual Academy with LA CASA

LA CASA is collecting school supplies (notebooks, pencils, pocket folders, etc.) and sanitation supplies (hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.) for the Columbus Bilingual Academy from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 30. Look for supply boxes in Hamwil, Merrick, and in…

Laureate 🏆 Award Submissions – DUE TODAY!

ATTN:  ENG 105 students! Check out the  submission guideline information for The Laureate  Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 at  Or our poster is at:  Deadline is TODAY! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: English Department Contact: Beth Fedoush at

Interested in Real Estate?

Interested in Real Estate? Register for FIN 499 with Professor MacLeod. This class is available FALL Semester 2021, MW, 2:10-4:00. Pre-reqs for this course are Core Financial Concepts, or Financial Management, or permission of instructor. If you have any issues…

SOAN Student/Faculty Board Nominations Are NOW!

All SOAN and Social Justice majors and minors are invited to submit nominations for the 2021-22 Student Board. The nominees must: 1) Be declared SOAN or Social Justice majors who are interested in improving the program and its curriculum 2)…