Category Student News & Events

Scholarship Opportunity for Local Resident-Students, June 1 Application Deadline

The Delaware County Foundation’s Ralph and Mabel Gooding Memorial scholarship provides post-secondary support to college students already enrolled in an accredited university or college and pursuing their first Bachelor’s degree. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Completed first year or beyond at an accredited…

SENIORS: Friendly reminder to return library items

With graduation fast approaching, please remember that most library items for seniors have a May 15 due date. If you need them for finals, please return them no later than May 26, the last day of finals. Additionally, please know…

Grab and Go Stress Relief Packs

Stop by the front desk at the main desk in Beeghly Library for your stress relief packs starting Monday, May 24 through the rest of the week! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Bishop Way/Residential Life Contact: Jess Irvine at

Student Involvement Office is Hiring

The Student Involvement Office is hiring for the fall 2021 semester! We are excited to share openings for the SIO Student Purchasing Coordinator, Desk Assistant, and Intramural Staff positions! If you interested in helping students get involved on campus. supporting…

Tell Us about Your Academic Experience!

As you may know, OWU is looking to revise its general education curriculum–the requirements necessary in order to graduate with an OWU degree. In order to better understand students’ academic experiences, the Committee on Academic Programs, working in conjunction with…

OWU Student Health Center Summer Hours

At the OWU Student Health Center, our last day of regular hours (8a.m.-4:30p.m.) is Thursday, May 27. Between June 1 and June 29, our hours will be 12p.m.-3p.m. on Tuesdays and 9a.m.-12p.m. on Thursdays. We will be back to regular…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Get Better Grades and SLEEP

It’s almost time for finals, Bishops! Studies show that 70-96% of college students get less than eight hours of sleep during a normal semester. During finals week, this drops even lower with students averaging about 6.36 hours of sleep per…

Job Opening – Summer Camps and Conferences Staff Member!

Looking for an on campus summer job? OWU is looking for students to help out with summer camps and conferences this year! This position goes from late May through early August. The job involves assisting organizations who come to use…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Get Better Grades and SLEEP

It’s almost time for finals, Bishops! Studies show that 70-96% of college students get less than eight hours of sleep during a normal semester. During finals week, this drops even lower with students averaging about 6.36 hours of sleep per…

Job Opening – Summer Camps and Conferences Staff Member!

Looking for an on campus summer job? OWU is looking for students to help out with summer camps and conferences this year! This position goes from late May through early August. The job involves assisting organizations who come to use…