Category Student News & Events

Collaborate with CPB!

Calling all OWU clubs/organizations! CPB wants to collaborate with you! If your club or organization has an idea for an event, send us an email ( with the name of your organization, your idea, and your potential budget, and let…

Auditions for JayWalkers

Are you looking for a laid back all male a capella group? You’re in luck! We are holding auditions to join our group, JayWalkers. Email for the time and location if you are interested in auditioning. Our audition dates…

Sept. 8 @ 7pm – Connecting Faith & the Outdoors

Interested in connecting the Christian faith with outdoor experiences? Come check out the Outdoor Ministry Team (OMT). We focus on faith exploration, outdoors skills, and fun with a purpose! Our first meeting is this Wed, Sept 8 at 7pm outside…

Polling for interest in Monthly Art Nights

SLAM, the Student Led Arts Movement, is planning monthly art nights open to all students! No affiliation to SLAM or experience with art is necessary! If interested, please fill out this poll to help decide medium and interest! For…

Run to become a WCSA Senator! Open to ALL grade levels

Is there something at Ohio Wesleyan that you’d like to see changed? Are you interested in joining a student-led activist group? WCSA is holding their first election for the 2021-2022 academic year for 4 vacant seats in the Senate, and…

Apply for a Student-Faculty Committee! Open to all grades!

The purpose of Student-faculty committees are for students to have a voice on all matters OWU. It’s a way for the students to hold faculty and staff accountable and to become more involved in decision making processes. If this sounds…

Sept. 10 @ 6pm – Meet the Greeks

Come meet the chapters and members of Ohio Wesleyan’s Greek community! All students are invited to get to know our various Panhellenic, Interfraternal, and NPHC chapters. Participate in fun carnival games, talk to members, and learn about what it means…

Love Music? Join NAfME!

Our collegiate chapter of NAfME (the National Association for Music Education) is getting ready to kick off an exciting semester of opportunities. Some of the highlights include: a drum circle, visits to music classes in Columbus City Schools, and a…