Category Student News & Events

New York Arts Program Adjusted Application Deadlines

The New York Arts Program has adjusted its deadlines to apply for the Spring 2022 semester. –Round 1 Deadline is now October 1. –Round 2 Deadline is now November 1. Learn more about the application process at Questions? Email Helena…

Sept. 13 @ 7pm – Study Abroad 2022/SP – Zoom Meeting

If you are interested in studying abroad next semester or if you have already applied to do so, there will be a Zoom information session Monday at 7 PM. This session will include a brief overview of options and opportunities…

Sept. 9 @ 7pm – Cookout with the Phis

FREE FOOD Enjoy hanging out by the fire and eating campfire food? We have the right event for you! You can even cook bacon on a stick! The Phi Delta Theta fraternity will be hosting a cookout on Thursday, September…

Love Music? Join NAfME!

Our collegiate chapter of NAfME (the National Association for Music Education) is getting ready to kick off an exciting semester of opportunities. Some of the highlights include: a drum circle, visits to music classes in Columbus City Schools, and a…

Collaborate with CPB!

Calling all OWU clubs/organizations! CPB wants to collaborate with you! If your club or organization has an idea for an event, send us an email ( with the name of your organization, your idea, and your potential budget, and let…

Join the Campus Programming Board!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

Apply for Fall Break Wilderness Trek!

Are you ready for cool weather and fall colors? It’s a great time to head into the woods for a backpacking journey while exploring your own spiritual journey with fellow OWU adventurers! The Fall Break Wilderness Trek will be Oct…

Polling for interest in Monthly Art Nights

SLAM, the Student Led Arts Movement, is planning monthly art nights open to all students! No affiliation to SLAM or experience with art is necessary! If interested, please fill out this poll to help decide medium and interest! For…

Apply for a Student-Faculty Committee! Open to all grades!

The purpose of Student-faculty committees are for students to have a voice on all matters OWU. It’s a way for the students to hold faculty and staff accountable and to become more involved in decision making processes. If this sounds…