Category Student News & Events

Polling for interest in Monthly Art Nights

SLAM, the Student Led Arts Movement, is planning monthly art nights open to all students! No affiliation to SLAM or experience with art is necessary! If interested, please fill out this poll to help decide medium and interest! For…

Sept. 14 @ Noon – Finance Lunch Chat (Corns 312)

Professor Barbara MacLeod will discuss Finance requirements and course substitutions. We will also hear from a panel of finance students as they talk about their summer internships followed by resume tips, recruiting timelines and career connection resources! Register here: …

Study Abroad Scholarship – Deadline Sept. 15

Are you planning to study abroad in 2022? The Fund for Education Abroad is now accepting applications for scholarships. Students can access the application on the FEA website at The deadline to apply is Sept. 15, 2021, at 12 pm…

Attention Student Organizations – Register for GO! OWU

The annual GO! (Get Organized) OWU conference is Saturday, September 18 from 10am – 12pm on Zoom. All registered student organizations must send at least 2 members to remain in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office. We will highlight…

Fun and relaxation outside – Check out a hammock!

Looking for a fun and relaxing way to be outside this fall? The Wilderness Ministry Office has hammocks available to check out for free for 2-3 days a time. Come by HWCC 401 to get one or contact William Hayes…

Sept. 10 @ 6pm – Meet the Greeks

Come meet the chapters and members of Ohio Wesleyan’s Greek community! All students are invited to get to know our various Panhellenic, Interfraternal, and NPHC chapters. Participate in fun carnival games, talk to members, and learn about what it means…

Poster Sale Ends TODAY @ 5pm – HWCC Benes Rooms

Come to the Poster Sale in Benes A of the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center – Friday, Sept. 10, 9am-5pm. All of your favorite classic posters and 100’s of new choices! Incredible selection and great prices! Fill up your bare walls! OWU…