Category Student News & Events

Sept. 14 @ Noon – Finance Lunch Chat (Corns 312)

Professor Barbara MacLeod will discuss Finance requirements and course substitutions. We will also hear from a panel of finance students as they talk about their summer internships followed by resume tips, recruiting timelines and career connection resources! Register here: …

Study Abroad Scholarship – Deadline Sept. 15

Are you planning to study abroad in 2022? The Fund for Education Abroad is now accepting applications for scholarships. Students can access the application on the FEA website at The deadline to apply is Sept. 15, 2021, at 12 pm…

Earn 0.25 Credit as an Usher this Semester!

The Chappelear Drama Center is in need of Usher’s for each production this year and by participating, you could earn a 0.25 activity credit. All that is required is to be an usher for 3 shows during the fall semester.…

New York Arts Program Adjusted Application Deadlines

The New York Arts Program has adjusted its deadlines to apply for the Spring 2022 semester. –Round 1 Deadline is now October 1. –Round 2 Deadline is now November 1. Learn more about the application process at Questions? Email Helena…

Collaborate with CPB!

Calling all OWU clubs/organizations! CPB wants to collaborate with you! If your club or organization has an idea for an event, send us an email ( with the name of your organization, your idea, and your potential budget, and let…

Join CPB!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

Fall Intramural Leagues

INTRAMURAL SPORTS ARE BACK! Fall season starts September 20th and finishes on October 7th. We are offering Beach Volleyball (Tuesday + Thursday 6-8pm) at the Meek sand volleyball courts and Futsal (Monday + Wednesday 7-9pm) inside Edwards Gym. Register Here:…

Attention Student Organizations – Register for GO! OWU

The annual GO! (Get Organized) OWU conference is Saturday, September 18 from 10am – 12pm on Zoom. All registered student organizations must send at least 2 members to remain in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office. We will highlight…