Category Student News & Events

Study Abroad Scholarship – Deadline Sept. 15

Are you planning to study abroad in 2022? The Fund for Education Abroad is now accepting applications for scholarships. Students can access the application on the FEA website at The deadline to apply is Sept. 15, 2021, at 12 pm…

Today @ Noon – Finance Lunch Chat (Corns 312)

Professor Barbara MacLeod will discuss Finance requirements and course substitutions. We will also hear from a panel of finance students as they talk about their summer internships followed by resume tips, recruiting timelines and career connection resources! Register here: …

Earn Money for Your Club or Organization

If you would like to earn money for your club or organization, you can sign up to work $7/hour at the Delaware County Fair. The fair starts this Saturday (Sept. 18) and runs until Sept. 25. Please contact if you’d like…

Apply for a Student-Faculty Committee! Open to all grades!

The purpose of Student-faculty committees is for students to have a voice on all matters OWU. It’s a way for the students to hold faculty and staff accountable and to become more involved in decision-making processes. If this sounds like…

Sept. 15 @ 6pm – 1st Sanborn Sound Rehearsal!

Do you play a brass instrument or percussion? Or, have you ever wanted to? If so, Sanborn Sound is the place for you! Sanborn Sound is Ohio Wesleyan’s brass group, and our first rehearsal is Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 6-7…