Category Student News & Events

Oct. 9 – The (Almost) famous NAfME Quesadilla Fundraiser!

It is that time of year! The (almost) famous NAfME quesadilla fundraiser is coming this Saturday from 9pm – 1am. Have a delicious chicken or cheese Quesadilla made fresh for you and delivered anywhere on campus! Gluten-free and vegan options…

Oct. 9 @ 4pm – House of Black Culture Annual Reunion

Come to the Annual HBC Reunion! We will have good music, food, fun, and games! RSVP below to secure your plate. HBC Annual Reunion: Date: 2021-10-09 Start Time: 04:00PM End Time: 06:00PM Location: House of Black Culture RSVP Information:  OWU…

Apply for WCSA Senate! Application closes Oct. 14 @ 9pm

Is there something at Ohio Wesleyan that you’d like to see changed? Are you interested in joining a student-led activist group? WCSA is holding its first election for the 2021-2022 academic year for 4 vacant seats in the Senate, and…

Oct. 8 from 6-8pm – VIVA Churro Fundraiser

Join us Friday, Oct. 8, from 6-8 pm in the Stuy Kitchen for VIVA’s Churro Fundraiser! (We rescheduled this event from its previous date.) Cost is $2 for 3 Churros. Payment: Venmo or Zelle! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: VIVA Contact: Alexis Yracheta…

Oct. 24 – Cornhole + Kan Jam Tournament, Register Now

OWU Intramurals presents: A Cornhole & Kan Jam tournament! A one-day tournament on October 24! Register as a team of two or register as a free agent and be paired up with another free agent! The tournament will be held at…

Apply for WCSA Senate! Application closes Oct. 14 @ 9pm

Is there something at Ohio Wesleyan that you’d like to see changed? Are you interested in joining a student-led activist group? WCSA is holding its first election for the 2021-2022 academic year for 4 vacant seats in the Senate, and…

Oct. 8 from 6-8pm – VIVA Churro Fundraiser

Join us Friday, Oct. 8, from 6-8 pm in the Stuy Kitchen for VIVA’s Churro Fundraiser! (We rescheduled this event from its previous date.) Cost is $2 for 3 Churros. Payment: Venmo or Zelle! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: VIVA Contact: Alexis Yracheta…

Join The Transcript!

Are you an avid writer, editor, or just like creating content in general? Then maybe The Transcript is the thing for you! The Transcript is OWU’s leading student-run online magazine where students can write, edit and create content. Students also…

Kappa Kraze – This Friday at 7pm in Milligan Hub

Rho Deuteron Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma will be holding Kappa Kraze—a Family Feud-like event—in support of Kappa Kidney Camp. Kappa Kidney Camp is Rho Deuteron’s local philanthropy to raise funds for a summer camp for children 8-18 years old…

AMRS’s The Trident has New Articles Out to Read!

Want to get to know Dr. Hysell, the new medieval history teacher? Did you enjoy The Green Knight film? Looking for ideas for things to do on and off campus this semester? Are you interested in going to the Ohio…