Category Student News & Events


OWU Students! Are you missing items such as water bottles, sweatshirts, hats, notebooks, etc.? If this applies to you and you can’t seem to locate some of your belongings come stop by the SIO in Hamilton-Williams and we may be…

Flu Shots at Student Health Center

The CDC is currently recommending that everyone get a flu vaccine to protect our community and combat the risks of catching influenza during the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic. Get yours at the Student Health Center by calling (740) 368-3160 to schedule…

Winter Intramural Season

The Winter season starts October 26th and finishes on November 18th. We are offering Cornhole/Kan Jam (Wednesday 7-9 pm) inside Edwards Gym and Futsal (Tuesday + Thursday 7-9 pm) also inside Edwards Gym. Registration closes October 26th by noon. If…

WCSA Student Organization Budget Workshops

The deadline for spring 2022 budget submissions is quickly approaching for student organizations. In order to prepare for the deadline on Friday, November 12, the WCSA Budget Committee is hosting in-person workshops in Crider Lounge. Student organizations can stop by…


OWU Students! Are you missing items such as water bottles, sweatshirts, hats, notebooks, etc.? If this applies to you and you can’t seem to locate some of your belongings come stop by the SIO in Hamilton-Williams and we may be…

Oct. 29 Deadline – Apply NOW! Saphir Funds

The Saphir Funds were created by a gift to the Economics and Business Department from Joel Leonard Saphir. Any OWU student or current Economics and Business department faculty member is eligible to apply for the Saphir Funds. For a complete…

OWU Mortar Board is Looking for Nominations for New Members!

Dear Junior/Senior Ohio Wesleyan Students, The Monnett Chapter of Mortar Board is seeking nominations for new members! Mortar Board is a National Honor Society for Seniors who have gone out of their way to demonstrate the three tiers of leadership,…

Need Some Cash?

The Department of Economics and Business is now accepting applications for the Burton Morgan Entrepreneurship Student Paper Competition Award. The competition is open to all junior or senior students at OWU and is designed to encourage student research in entrepreneurship…

Get Real About Your Accomplishments!

Attention OWU Students! Career Connection wants YOU to Get Real About Your Accomplishments! Tell Career Connection about your internship, volunteer, research/project, or work experience by completing the “Get Real” Survey! By taking a few minutes to complete this survey, it…