Category Student News & Events

Apply for WCSA Senate!

Is there something at Ohio Wesleyan that you’d like to see addressed? Are you interested in joining a student-led activist group? WCSA is holding a general election for the 2021-2022 academic year for 1 vacant seat in the Senate, and…

Nov. 1 – Blaine E. Grimes Grant Program applications open

Are you a declared major in the Economics & Business Department? Do you have an internship planned for the break or spring semester? If so, you may qualify for funding through the Blaine E. Grimes Grant. This grant is available…

Oct. 29 @ 5:15pm – Costume Contest with the Honors Board

Come to the amphitheater beside Hamilton Williams Campus Center at 5:15 PM on October 29th to participate in a costume contest! Participants should arrive by 5:15 PM and voting will begin at 5:30 PM, no pre-registration is required. There will…

Student Health Center Survey!

We are asking for feedback from students on how the SHC is doing and what can be improved! This survey is completely voluntary and will take about 10 minutes. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center Contact: Student Health Center…

Nov. 1 @ 7-8pm – First OWU Faith and Justice Meeting!

The first meeting for OWU Faith and Justice will be held on Monday, November 1st from 7-8 pm in HWCC 311. OWU Faith and Justice is a campus group dedicated to pursuing justice through interfaith collaboration and discussion. We encourage…

OWU Mortar Board is Looking for Nominations for New Members!

Dear Junior/Senior Ohio Wesleyan Students, The Monnett Chapter of Mortar Board is seeking nominations for new members! Mortar Board is a National Honor Society for Seniors who have gone out of their way to demonstrate the three tiers of leadership,…

Cultural Appropriation and Death

Day 4/4 of HOLD’s Language Week: A small presentation on Latin representation in animated films, specifically Mexican culture, and how it relates to cultural appropriation. Come and enter in a free raffle to possibly win a cool prize! Start Date: 2021-10-31…

OWU Basketball Pep Band Interest Form!

Hey Bishops! Are you interested in playing for some Men’s and Women’s Basketball Games next semester? We are looking for any and all interested students to join us as we cheer on our teams! Prior instrumental experience is a plus,…

Oct. 30 @ Noon – Where in the World is Adam Lieser?

Day 3 of HOLD Language Week: Journey around the world with me as your guide, as we follow clues and information about your favorite classic monsters and myths! All left behind by my missing boss, the Cryptozoologist Professor Adam Lieser. Location:…