Category Student News & Events

Get Real About Your Accomplishments!

Attention OWU Students! Career Connection wants YOU to Get Real About Your Accomplishments! Tell Career Connection about your internship, volunteer, research/project, or work experience by completing the “Get Real” Survey! By taking a few minutes to complete this survey, it…

Student Drivers Needed Nov. 6 for A Cappellooza

A great opportunity to make some money on the side! CPB needs Student Drivers for its A Cappellooza event Nov. 6 in Sanborn Hall. 2 shifts required: – 5:30-7:30 pm. – 8:45-10:15 pm. All drivers will be paid and will…

Scheduling Classes? – Check the catalog!

Several of the majors and course codes in the Department of Economics and Business have changed over the past two years – DegreeAudit is not yet updated. With all the changes you may have more flexibility in your course choice…


Please fill out this short poll to help the Academic Affairs Committee gather important data pertaining to mid-semester grades on campus. Your input is very important to WCSA when it comes to academics on campus! This should only take a…

Student Survey: How Can We Improve OWU Academics?

The Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) Academic Affairs Committee works to improve academics on campus for students. We would like to know what issues you have had with academics on campus and how you think they could be improved.…

Career Connections Global Majority Survey

Hello Everyone! My name is Sana Hussain ’22 and I am a Peer Career Coach intern in Career Connection. I am collecting data from underrepresented students so we can learn about your experiences in our office, what the team can…

TODAY @ 7-8 pm – OWU Faith and Justice Meeting

The first meeting for OWU Faith and Justice will be held on Monday, November 1st from 7-8 pm in HWCC 311. OWU Faith and Justice is a campus group dedicated to pursuing justice through interfaith collaboration and discussion. We encourage…

Student Health Center Survey!

We are asking for feedback from students on how the SHC is doing and what can be improved! This survey is completely voluntary and will take about 10 minutes. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center Contact: Student Health Center…