Category Student News & Events

Career Connections Global Majority Survey

Hello Everyone! My name is Sana Hussain ’22 and I am a Peer Career Coach intern in Career Connection. I am collecting data from underrepresented students so we can learn about your experiences in our office, what the team can…

Thurs. Nov. 4 @ 11:30-1pm – Central Insurance Employer Spotlight

Are you interested in a computer science internship over the summer? We are hosting Central Insurance for an Employer Spotlight on 11:30-1pm on November 4 in the Hamilton-Williams Atrium. They are actively recruiting math, CS, Data Analytics, and Econ majors…

Lead. Serve. Belong. Apply for a Panhellenic officer position!

Are you interested in being a leader in the Panhellenic community? Now is your chance! Applications are currently open for the Panhellenic Executive Board. New officers will serve their term during the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 semesters. Use the…

OWU Basketball Pep Band Interest Form!

Hey Bishops! Are you interested in playing for some Men’s and Women’s Basketball Games next semester? We are looking for any and all interested students to join us as we cheer on our teams! Prior instrumental experience is a plus,…

Student Drivers Needed Nov. 6 for A Cappellooza

A great opportunity to make some money on the side! CPB needs Student Drivers for its A Cappellooza event Nov. 6 in Sanborn Hall. 2 shifts required: – 5:30-7:30 pm. – 8:45-10:15 pm. All drivers will be paid and will…

Coming Nov. 4 – Employer Spotlight at Ham-Wil Atrium!

An On-Campus Employer Spotlight will be held on November 4th from 11:30am – 1:00pm in Ham-Wil atrium! There will be two organizations attending the Employer Spotlight: Ohio At Home Health Care Agency and Central Insurance Company. Ohio At Home Health…

Nov. 5 @ 9pm – Apply for WCSA Senate-

Is there something at Ohio Wesleyan that you’d like to see addressed? Are you interested in joining a student-led activist group? WCSA is holding a general election for the 2021-2022 academic year for 1 vacant seat in the Senate, and…

Student Survey: How Can We Improve OWU Academics?

The Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs (WCSA) Academic Affairs Committee works to improve academics on campus for students. We would like to know what issues you have had with academics on campus and how you think they could be improved.…

Lead. Serve. Belong. Apply for a Panhellenic officer position!

Are you interested in being a leader in the Panhellenic community? Now is your chance! Applications are currently open for the Panhellenic Executive Board. New officers will serve their term during the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 semesters. Use the…