Category Student News & Events

Nov. 30 @ 12:15pm – Recruitment Information Session

Come learn about recruitment and meet the people who will guide you through it! It’ll take place in the Zook Nook, we’ll have Rho Gamma’s out in the Ham-Wil lobby to guide you to it! Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, Room…

Nov. 16 @ 7pm – OWU Faith & Justice Club Meeting

Come Learn about OWU Faith & Justice and discuss plans for this school year. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Chaplain’s Office Contact: Anna Fender at

Nov. 18 @ 7pm – Create Your Own Stained Glass!

Make stained glass and relax with the Creative Arts House this Thursday! Location: Hayes Lounge. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Creative Arts House Contact: Gabby Deacon at

Nov. 16 @ 7pm – Thanksgiving Dinner at Sigma Phi Epsilon

The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity invite all unaffiliated men to join us for a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Meal on Tuesday, November 16th at @7pm in our house. For more information contact: Ethan Brooker: 740-590-4109 Haris Ali: 740-990-5297 OWU…

Gathering of OWU Witches

I am getting together witches on campus so we can get to know each other, talk about our different practices, and perform a ceremony together. If you are interested, please email Phoenix at I am trying to have the event…

Free Student Flu Vaccinations Available at Student Health Center

The OWU Student Health Center is offering free flu vaccines beginning Monday, Oct. 11, in its Stuyvesant Hall office. Appointments are required and may be scheduled by calling 740-368-3160. For more information on flu vaccinations, read the CDC’s “Who Needs…

Need some CASH?

The Department of Economics and Business is now accepting applications for the Burton Morgan Entrepreneurship Student Paper Competition Award. The competition is open to all junior or senior students at OWU and is designed to encourage student research in entrepreneurship…

Spring 2022 Theatre & Dance Classes

The Performing Arts Department invites students to enroll in the following courses for the Spring 2022 semester that have either no prerequisites or very few prerequisites: THEA 101 – Intro to Theatre. THEA 126 – Intro to Technical Theatre. THEA…


Ask questions to Dr. Biser and Dr. Hamill about the General Education Requirements today in Benes Room B at 12:10 pm! This will be a Town Hall put on by WCSA for students to ask questions about the current and…