Category Student News & Events

Dec. 1 @ 6:45 pm – Ohio5 SURE Info Session

Interested in summer research in STEM? Join representatives from the Ohio State University to learn about the Ohio 5 Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE). These paid 10-week experiences are reserved for students who attend colleges in the Ohio 5 group,…

Apply to be a Resident Assistant or Moderator!

Interested in joining the Residential Life team as a Resident Assistant or Moderator? Apply today to be an RA/Mod! Follow this link to learn more about the positions and find the application: Deadlines for applications: Mid-Year Application due November…

Student Health Center Improvements?!

It is not too late to give the student health center your feedback and opinions! Fill out this ten-minute, anonymous survey and your answers will go DIRECTLY to the health center staff! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Health Center Contact:…

Nov. 29 – Blaine E. Grimes Grant Program applications due

Are you a declared major in the Economics & Business Department? Do you have an internship planned for the break or spring semester? If so, you may qualify for funding through the Blaine E. Grimes Grant. This grant is available…

Dec. 1 @ 12:10 – Applying for Summer Research w/ Pre-Health Club

The Pre-Health Club is hosting another full-body meeting to discuss the ins and outs of applying for summer research positions on Wednesday December 1st @12:10pm in SCSC 161. If you are interested in learning about the timeline for applying, what…

Dec. 1 @ 6:45 pm – Ohio5 SURE Info Session

Interested in summer research in STEM? Join representatives from the Ohio State University to learn about the Ohio 5 Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE). These paid 10-week experiences are reserved for students who attend colleges in the Ohio 5 group,…

Chance to Win Amazon Gift Card! Video Game Research Study

We are testing the effects of action video games on various cognitive tasks and would like for you to help us out with our research! The data collection will take place in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Phillips bottom floor, room…

Sign Up For Sorority Primary Recruitment TODAY!

Looking to join a sorority here at Ohio Wesleyan? Primary Recruitment is happening from Friday, January 21, to Sunday, January 24! To sign up to participate in Primary Recruitment use the link below: Have any questions about joining a…