Category Student News & Events

On-Campus Employment Opportunities

OWU departments are looking to hire students for Spring Semester! All open positions for on-campus student employment are posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: If you have questions on how to access Handshake, just ask! Once you have logged…

Dec. 9 @ 6pm – Noel Celebration in the Benes Rooms

Join us for Le Circle Fancais’ last event of the semester, our Noel Celebration! We will have baked goods, music, and more! The event will be held from 6-8 p.m. in the Benes Rooms. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Le Cercle Francais…

Student Employment Opportunity: CHEM 111 Lab Assistant

The Accessibility Services Office is hiring a student lab assistant for Chemistry 111. A lab assistant attends in-person and virtual labs to provide for a student with a disability. The lab assistant will help by pouring and mixing ingredients, looking…

Crumbling Barriers: Religious misconception

Come to the Interfaith House Thursday the 9th at 7 pm for cookies from Crumble and conversations about religious misconceptions from all religions! *masks required* RSVP by noon on Thursday at this link OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Interfaith House Contact:…

Join the Office of Admission Student Worker Team!

The Office of Admission is hiring student workers for the spring semester! Open positions include: –Tour Guide (particularly 10-11 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday) –Overnight Host –Airport Shuttle Driver –Social Host If you are interested in applying to join our student…

Join the Transcript Editorial Team Spring 2022!

If you’re someone that likes to write, be a reporter, edit or create content, then the Transcript might be the activity for you! The Transcript is a flexible Communications internship that can be taken for credit! Take it for 1,…

Join the Office of Admission Student Worker Team!

The Office of Admission is hiring student workers for the spring semester! Open positions include: –Tour Guide (particularly 10-11 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday) –Overnight Host –Airport Shuttle Driver –Social Host If you are interested in applying to join our student…

Hiring First Generation Intern – Accounting Office

The Accounting Office is searching for a first-generation student to fill an internship for Spring 2022. The intern will work closely with the accounting and purchasing staff. The intern will be working with the accounting and purchasing systems, excel, and…

Health Center Tips: Dealing with Finals Week

Create a Schedule — Take a few minutes to write down your exam and assignment schedule. We all know cramming isn’t an effective study method, so aid your mental health by creating structure instead of feeling like you’re drowning in…