Category Student News & Events

April 14 @ 7:30 PM – Bishop Launch Program Info Session 1

Join OWU Career Catalyst Mindy Agin for the first information session about the Fall ’22 Bishop Launch Program! BLP is designed to help you become a confident, competent, and competitive internship and job seeker. By coming to the info session,…

Help Make OWU Become the Best It Can Be!

If you’re a SENIOR or FIRST-YEAR student, the 15 minutes you take to complete NSSE can make a big impact on the future of Ohio Wesleyan University. Survey invitations arrive via campus email on April 5. NSSE collects information about…

Go To Tanzania: Change Your Life: Fall 2023

The OWU in Tanzania program is accepting applications for its Fall 2023 semester-long program. The program is open to all majors and minors. Students complete an internship and 4 courses: 1) East African culture – which involves travels to national…

April 5 @ 4:30 PM – OWU Faith & Justice Meeting

You are invited to join OWU Faith & Justice at our last regular meeting of the semester on Tuesday, April 5, at 4:30 PM in Crider Lounge in HWCC. We will be discussing LGBTQIA+ justice issues in current events as…

PAID INTERNSHIPS in the Dept. of Biological Sciences for 2022-2023

Interested in an on-campus paid internship in the Department of Biological Sciences for the 2022-2023 academic year? 1) Culture Curator in Microbiology 2) Natural History Museum Curator and Chemical Hygiene Coordinator 3) Fish Care Intern 4) Scanning Electron Microscope Student…

TODAY! WCSA Student Body Elections

The student body election to elect your 2022/2023 academic year WCSA (student government) representatives is TODAY, April 1, from 8 am – 9 pm. Check your OWU email for instructions on how to vote online. Positions up for election include:…

CPB Wants to Collaborate with you in Fall Of 2022

As CPB begins our event planning for the upcoming fall semester, we want all clubs and organizations on campus to know that we want to collaborate with you! If you have any event ideas for the upcoming fall, please email…

Pick Up Litter to Win OWU Merch! Not a Prank!

Join SEAL the entire month of April picking up litter in the Delaware area. Using the Marine Debris Tracker app by National Geographic, log each time you throw something away to contribute to a nationwide conservation database. The three people…

Pitch OWU Submissions Due Today

Do you have a big idea? Do you have a solution to a problem that you believe could change the world? Calling all OWU Students to apply for Pitch OWU, sponsored by The Woltemade Center! Compete against peers from various…

LAST DAY – 💲 Literary Awards 💲

ATTN:  ALL students! Submission time  is now open for the 2022 Literary Awards! Your chance to WIN  BIG has begun! Not an English Major or Minor? No problem, competition is open to ALL students! Check out our poster to see the  prizes and scan…