Category Student News & Events

DEADLINE TODAY! Sagan Writing Center Award – Cash award!

Graduating Seniors: Submit your graduate or professional school application essays for the annual Sagan Writing Center Award! 1st Place: $200. 2nd Place: $100. For information about the award and the submission process, contact Martine Stephens at or visit the Writing Center…

Summer Employment with Campus Events

Interested in working on campus over the summer? Campus Events is looking for Student Summer Camp & Conference Leads. Students will act as a liaison to camp/conference group leaders during their stay on campus. Compensation includes a competitive salary, on-campus…

B&G – Summer Employment

The Physical Plant is seeking applications for temporary summer employment in the Buildings, Grounds, Electric and Mechanical Trades. Some positions could start mid-May 2022. The Deadline for acceptance of applications will be April 29, 2022, and notification of employment will…

Graduating Seniors – Looking for a Job after Graduation?

Do you have a passion for helping people? Have you really enjoyed your OWU experience and want to share that with high school students while assisting them through their college search? Do you enjoy traveling? Do you think it would…

Business 425 — Crosley Museum Survey

My name is Gram Dick, and I am part of an Ohio Wesleyan entrepreneurship class working on a business plan that would detail a new exhibit focused on the accomplishments of the Crosley story. The theme of which would…

Do You Go Thrifting? Take This Survey!

This survey is for my Senior Seminar, and I’m looking for college students who have an opinion on thrifting. It should only take around 15-30 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time! Contact: Sarah Bunch @

Participate in This Research Study to Test Your Diabetes Knowledge

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the overall knowledge Ohio Wesleyan students have of Type 2 diabetes and how it affects the body. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Health and Human Kinetics. Contact: Sarah Sewell-Conley at

Applying to Medical or Dental School This Year?

If you intend to apply to either medical or dental school this year, please contact Dr. Markwardt ( as soon as possible. We have some forms related to the committee letter that you will need to submit. Thanks! OWU Sponsoring…