Category Student News & Events

Sept. 8 @ Noon – Ohio Export Internship Program Lunch Session

Jumpstart your career with a meaningful, paid summer internship focused on global trade! The award-winning Ohio Export Internship Program (OEIP) prepares students with critical skill sets needed to succeed in a career of global trade and commerce. Build your resume and complete…

Join OWU Circle K!

Interested in community service and getting more involved on campus? Join Circle K today! We plan and participate in volunteer opportunities both on campus and in the Delaware community. Some of the events we are participating in this semester include:…

Pet Pals Club Looking for Interested Members!

Calling All Animal Friends! If you are looking for a way to get involved with club leadership and build up our community, Pet Pals is the club for you! In the past, we have held fundraisers, festivals, movie showings, and other…

Culture Fest 2022 Registration Open Now!

Horizons International aims to represent and promote the interests of the diverse OWU community. Culture Fest is a chance for you to represent your culture through performances and other forms of display. Register your individual self, a group of you or your…

Now Accepting Applications for Accounting Fellows!

The Accounting Fellows Program will allow a select group of students to combine classroom knowledge with real-world accounting research and application. Students will benefit from this program by participating in academic activities outside of the traditional classroom space, professional development…

Food Preference Survey for Culture Fest 2022!

Do you plan to attend Culture Fest or have any food preferences for your favorite cuisine that you would want us to bring for Culture Fest this year? Fill out this form by Sept. 16, 2022, and help us with the…

Tutor Positions Still Needed For Fall 2022

The Sagan Academic Resource Center (ARC) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in making a positive impact on your fellow Bishops! Tutoring support is needed for multiple disciplines/courses including but not limited to the following: BIO 122 Econ 277 (Labor,…

Sept. 7 @ Noon – ☕ WLC Coffee Hour

The Department of World Languages and Cultures (WLC) invites you to their  Coffee Hour: Wednesday, Sept. 7, from 12-1 PM @ University Hall 213. Drop by to meet and chat with our faculty and students. Coffee and goodies will be…

On-Campus Employment Opportunities

OWU departments are looking to hire students! All open positions for on-campus student employment are posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal:  If you have questions on how to access Handshake, please reach out to Career Connection. Once you have logged…