Category Student News & Events

Nov. 10 @ 9 p.m. – Late Night at Smith: Open Mic Night

Have you been working on a song, poem, or performance this semester? Or just love preforming? Come join Residential Life for Late Night @Smith: Open Mic Night on November 10 at 9 p.m. on the Stairs. Use the link to…

Oct. 17 @ Noon – Opportunities and Ideas for Zoology Majors

Join Mindy Agin from Career Connection on Oct. 17 from 12-1 pm in SCSC 163 for Animals Unlimited: Opportunities and Ideas for Zoology Majors! This information session is to hear about the many opportunities and ideas for people who love…

Gather Your Old Costumes for the OWU Halloween Costume Swap!

Do you have previously worn Halloween costumes that you have no use for? Costumes pieces such as hats, shoes, props, or masks that you no longer wear? Donate them to the Campus Halloween Costume Swap hosted by Tree House. Donations…

Oct. 18 @ 7 p.m. – Prism’s First Meeting

Come join us on Tuesday, Oct. 18, from 7-8 pm in the Hamilton-Williams Atrium to get to know other Prism members and executives, do some fun ice-breaking activities, and discuss the upcoming MBLGTACC (Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Asexual College…

2-Step Verification Requirement

Information Services requires all OWU students to enroll in Google’s 2-Step Verification prior to October 25 using the link below. You will also receive email reminders from Google. If you have already enrolled in 2-Step Verification, you do not need to enroll again. The…

Oct. 19 @ 5 p.m. – Plaidurday Fall Festival!

BISHOPS, mark your calendars for Plaidurday Fall Festival, an annual nationwide celebration of plaid! The event will take place Oct. 19th, 5pm-7pm on Frat Hill! The event will feature a free food truck, donuts, a corn maze, fire pits, games,…

Bishops, Register To Vote Before It’s Too Late!

Voter Registration ends Oct. 11 in Ohio. If you want to vote in the upcoming election Nov. 8, you need to be registered. GOTV Tabling is finished, but you can still submit your registration directly via the Ohio Secretary of…

Fall Break Reduced Dining Hall Schedule

During Fall Break AVI will offer dining services during meal times in Smith Dining Hall. Fall Break Hours begin on Wednesday, October 12th and regular dining operations will resume on Monday, October 17th. Breakfast: 9:00 am – 10:00 am  Lunch:…

Winners of LGBT+ Homelessness Raffle

Hi! Thanks for coming out to support my house project. We raised $295! The winners are as follows: Payne J. – power bank, Haleigh S. – blanket, Bruno S. – headphones, Jamison N. – fuzzy socks.  I’ve reached out to…