Category Student News & Events

Oct. 26 & 28 – Halloween Costume Swap

Donate your old costumes and grab a new one at the OWU Halloween Costume Swap! Do you have previously worn Halloween costumes that you no longer wear? Costume pieces such as hats, props, or masks that you no longer use?…

Nov. 1 – One-Acts Auditions

Open auditions for One-Acts will be held Tuesday, November 1.  Please check the Chappelear callboard (near the main office) for more information, audition forms, and to sign up for a time. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Department of Performing Arts Contact: Edward…

Oct. 24-28 – Meet Your Candidates: A SAGE House Project

Want to know what your candidate’s stances are regarding abortion rights, feminist issues, and LGBTQ+ issues for the 2022 Midterm Election? Come stop by this tabling event during the week of Oct. 24-28 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12-1…

TODAY @ Noon – Last Time to Sign Up For Intramurals

Winter I season starts October 24th and finishes on November 17th. We are offering Spikeball inside the Benes room (Tuesday + Thursday 7-9pm) and Futsal (Monday + Wednesday 7-9pm) inside Edwards Gym. Registration closes October 24th by noon. Only a…

Chess Club Looking For Members

The OWU Chess Club is looking for new members. No experience required. Contact for more details. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Chess Club Contact: Wes Silver at

Spring 2023 Travel Learning Course Applications OPEN

Interested in applying for a Spring 2023 Travel Learning Course? Visit our TLC website for a list of the courses offered in Spring 2023 and to apply. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis – so apply as soon…

Oct. 25 @ 4:30 p.m. – LA CASA House Project

Join LA CASA for Mix and Minga! This house project takes the Andean tradition of the Minga and brings it to OWU. In a Minga, a group works together for the betterment of the community and is followed by food,…

Today @ 6:30 p.m. – Casually Cooking: Chips, Dip, and Salsa!

Join AVI & Residential Life tonight at Smith to learn earn how to make and prepare chips, dip, and salsa for your next social gathering and enjoy the treats afterwards. To register for this session and our other casually cooking…