Category Student News & Events

TODAY by Noon – Last Chance for Winter Intramurals Sign-Ups

Winter Intramurals season starts October 24 and finishes November 17. We are offering Spikeball inside the Benes room (Tuesday + Thursday 7-9pm) and Futsal (Monday + Wednesday 7-9pm) inside Edwards Gym. Only a one-hour time commitment per game day! Sign-Up…

Oct. 26 @ 6 p.m. – Speed Mock Interview Event

Hoping to land an internship, summer job, or a full-time position? Nervous about interviewing? A Mock Interview will help immensely as you prepare for your future career! As they say — practice makes perfect — and this is your opportunity…

TODAY @ 4:30 p.m. – LA CASA House Project

Join LA CASA for Mix and Minga TODAY at 4:30 PM! This house project takes the Andean tradition of the Minga and brings it to OWU. In a Minga, a group works together for the betterment of the community and…

Oct. 28 @ 6:30 – Trick or Treat with the Bishops!

This Friday is Trick or Treat with the Bishops! If you or an organization want to attend be sure to fill out the Google Form to get a table! Google Form-  OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: IFC Contact: Clay Sturts at

Interfaith Rolling SLUsh!

The Interfaith SLU has rolling admission! If you’re interested in conversations surrounding religion, consider applying to IF. We are a community full of diverse people who are dedicated to promoting religious acceptance. We’re open to everyone, no matter what practice…

Oct. 27 @ Noon – History Department Fall Social!

Join the history department for our fall social during the noon hour! Come for the free food and stay for the history-themed games! The social will be in Elliott Hall Room 101 and is open to all. See you there!…

Want To Play Video Games For Research?

We are testing the effects of action video games on various cognitive tasks and would like for you to help us out with our research! The data collection will take place in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Phillips bottom floor, room…

Nov. 7 @ Noon – WCSA Townhall with Counseling Center

Join WCSA in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Benes Room B for a townhall event with OWU’s Counseling Center! Hear all about the resources the counseling center has to offer and ask any questions! The townhall will be from noon to 1pm…