Category Student News & Events

Jan. 20 – Last Day to Apply to be an RA/Mod!

Residential Life is accepting 2023-2024 RA/Moderator applications until this Friday, January 20th. Use the link below to apply!  for more job descriptions, compensation information, and more. Email RLC Mack Wade at with any further questions or concerns. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Residential Life…

Join the Honors Board! Apply Now!

Interested in gaining leadership experience and making an impact on campus? Consider applying to be a part of the Student Honors Board! The Student Honors Board plans social events for Honors students on campus, helps promote the Honors Program, and…

Jan. 20 @ 3 p.m. – IOCP Lunar New Year Open House

We are pleased to welcome back Dede Shine, our Assistant Director!  Please come to our Lunar New Year Open House on Friday, Jan. 20, from 3-5 p.m. in the IOCP Office, Slocum Hall Room 311, and say hello to Dede.…

Enter For A Chance To Win A $25 Pulp Gift Card!

In preparation of our annual giving day, We Are OWU, we are seeking videos from our students to incorporate into a larger campaign promotion video. Every year, We Are OWU raises support for Annual Giving Program funds, which support 10%…

Student Organizations – Important Dates & Deadlines

Mark your calendars student organizations! As the spring semester kicks off, be sure to share these important dates and deadlines with your groups. If you have any questions email To view the entire semester dates click here.  January 9: Student Involvement…

Tutors Needed For Spring 2023

The Sagan Academic Resource Center (ARC) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in making a positive impact on your fellow Bishops! Tutoring support is needed for multiple disciplines/courses including but not limited to the following:    ACCT 349 Business Law II BIO 343…

Fraternity & Sorority Recruitment

As a member of fraternity & sorority life on campus, you will be called to lead, serve, and create lifelong bonds with members of your chapter and the larger OWU community. Approximately 28% of students at OWU participate in a…

Want to Spend Time with Horses? Updated Equestrian Team Info

Howdy, y’all! This semester, and onward into the future, the OWU Equestrian Team is doing some restructuring. Due to some recent changes with our barn situation, we’re going to be trying something new. If you would be interested in volunteering…

Women Golfers Needed

The women’s golf program is looking to add golfers for the spring season. If you have golf experience (recreational or competitive) and are interested in learning more, please email assistant coach Cari DeAngelis at Source: OWU Women’s Golf Contact:…

Camp Leaders for Camp Oh-Wooo: Apply Now!

Apply to be a 2023 Camp Oh-Wooo Camp Leader at:  We are looking for students with leadership potential, and an interest in positively impacting the lives of OWU students. It is our hope to create a community that is positive,…