Category Student News & Events

Jan. 27 – Alumni Career Conversation Day: Sign Up Now!

Have you thought about speaking with an Alum about their career path, but you were too nervous to reach out? Or have you already found benefit in connecting with Alumni and are looking for another opportunity? SIGN UP TO SPEAK…

TODAY @ 4:30 p.m. – SSRP Info Session

Interested in summer research? Join the Neurds neuroscience club for our first meeting of the semester! We will be hosting an informational session about Ohio Wesleyan’s Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) today from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Smith…

Jan. 24 @ 4:30 p.m. – SSRP Info Session

Join the Neurds neuroscience club for our first meeting of the semester! We will be hosting an informational session about Ohio Wesleyan’s Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) tomorrow, January 24, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Smith Hall classroom.…

Need to Add a Class? Available Seats in THEA 101

Seats are available in Intro to Theatre (THEA 101)! The class meets Tuesday/Thursday from 10am-11:50am in Chappelear Drama Center 111. The course would fulfill a Group IV requirement for students, and would introduce them to live Theatre. Contact Bradford Sadler…

Scholarships Available for United Methodist Students

The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation has scholarships available for the 2023-2024 academic year. You can apply online at UMHEF.ORG. DEADLINE TO APPLY IS MARCH 1, 2023. The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry also has several scholarships available for…

Jan. 27 @ 7 p.m. – Stoplight Party in Smith!

Welcome back Bishops! It’s a perfect time to meet new friends! Join the Bishop Way, Res Life, and OMSA in a Stoplight party. Different colored cups will signify your level of interest in meeting new people! There will be a…

Find New Routines that Work for You!

Follow these five steps from “GenTwenty” to establish healthy and helpful routines. Step 1: Figure out what needs to be routinized. Think of your life in terms of categories, such as health, career, relationships or organization, and list out what’s…

Today – Last Day to Apply to be a Resident Assistant/ Moderator!

Today is the last day to apply to be a Resident Assistant/ Moderator for the 2023-2024 academic year! Use the link below to apply!  for more job descriptions, compensation information, and more. Email RLC Mack Wade at with any further questions or…